Heading to the Beach at -37

Today it is January 31, and the recorded temp here in Central Alberta is -37! Yuck. May I say it again? Yuck. At least the sun is shining! Yesterday afternoon, my boys and I did something that I am thinking will become a bit of a normal activity for us. We went to the beach! How is this possible when surrounded by 3 feet of snow and icy temperatures that no being should really live in…We pushed the coffee table aside, plopped some pillows on the floor, put on the sound of crashing waves (ipod white noise app) and laid in the sun beam.

We watched the seagulls fly above, got pinched by a few crabs, and helped them roll sand into little balls. G enjoyed his fair share of sand as well, and E dug some holes and made a sand castle. The imagination is a beautiful thing! We really did feel rejuvenated after our trip to the beach.

A year ago, at this very moment, my little family was about to begin our second month of a 3 month trip around New Zealand. What a beautiful Country- one we will certainly return to. Hard to believe little G was still in my belly! How times change. In ode to beauty, and what seems like an alternate universe, I have included a few shots to encourage my memory as I bask in the sun beam here in the pariries. I HEART THE BEACH!

little E pumped to spend a day at the beach!
little E following dad as he heads for a surf!
one of our fav beaches, accessible only through a horse pasture.

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