fall farmhouse
I’ve alluded to life being busy lately. Matt {my hubby} is finalizing production of his most recent film- and we have been going at a steady click since shooting started a year ago. I’m trying to create some peace at home by finishing up some lingering projects- but I am also busy with homeschooling the kids and teaching dance. We have some exciting creative projects on the horizon- but all this “doing” keeps us moving. I thought it would be nice to document fall at the farmhouse with a few festive touches- because let’s face it- it won’t be long before it’s time to deck the halls for Christmas.
I’ll be honest, I feel like I am in a bit of a funk this year- I mean wasn’t it just Spring? I grabbed a few fall bulbs to plant with the kids- but part of me can’t believe we’ve cleaned off the deck and packed up summer. I don’t know where the last 6 months have gone?! For all of you who live in Alberta- I am sure you can relate to summer never feeling long enough. So many people talk about how they are ready for fall- but I can never get enough summer I guess the pumpkins I grabbed for my mantel are kind of cute though.
These words have been on my heart the last few weeks, so I took some vinyl stickers and stuck them on a canvas. So simple, yet often hard to do when plagued with insecurity or fear. Often times it’s my own feelings of inadequacies that squash the kindness in my heart. A little kindness goes a long way… a good thing for me to remember both with my littles and in interactions with those I am both familiar and unfamiliar with.
We plan to eat the little green “pumpkin” which is actually an acorn squash. We’ve never tried one- I love exploring the different tastes of the season. I also have a little buttercup squash to cook up, and do a taste test with the kiddos.
Since school and activities have started back up the croc pot is my BFF. Seriously, it saves me- because often I am just wiped by about 5:30. Apparently a spaghetti squash cooks up beautifully in said croc pot- so I’m going to give that a go too! If you have any favorite croc pot recipes I am all ears!
Since it’s still October I decided I can still share fall decor;-) So check back tomorrow for a simple little fall centre piece. I’ve also decided even though we don’t live on a farm, we technically own a farmhouse- since it was moved to our lot at the lake… so I have the best of both worlds, both a cottage and a farmhouse at once
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I am happy to say that Matt and I zipped to Ikea today and grabbed the wardrobe for the loft- which has me sooooo excited! We had a bunch of snow a few weeks ago- but the roads are clear, and I made it to and from the big city without incident. The grass is showing again, so we might just have time to rake the leaves. I’m finalizing my plans to trim out the wardrobe, and hope to share my process in the next weekish.
-Miss Ash