Everything’s Better with Glue

So it’s been a while since I last blogged. Life. Babies. Business. Need I even add no sleep. However, as I sit in a room surrounded by 6 males plotting and cheering as the opening game of their favorite NHL team nears the mid way mark, I decided “Why not blog.” So here I am.

I have recently discovered the world that is twitter- which has led me to the world this is mom blogging. I literally laughed out loud today. Oh, I love mothers. I love the trials, the greasy hair, the 3 cups of coffee, and the lack of adult interaction. I think that one of the reasons mom blogging is so popular must be because moms have so few sane, adult conversation, ie. interaction. Blogging helps us to feel that no matter how insane our posts may be- we are carrying on a mature conversation. (was that the worlds longest run on)

I myself have had a total of 3 blogs. This one, a work blog, and an anonymous blog that I no longer remember… secret blogging. I am pretty sure that is what this is, alas, no worries. 

So, this last week I had my first mommy of 2 meltdown. It has been 4 weeks since Gabriel has slept longer than 3 hours( which is being generous, because it really has been an average of 1.5-2) not to mention bad naps. And then you add the crying (very uncharacteristic) as well as overall business and mayhem. Why is it that when you don’t sleep- you lose your will to do anything. Well, I know why, but let’s pretend that house chores, business, and laundry shouldn’t require energy. So, here I am. My children are crying at me and I began to think rational, irrational thoughts.. “I will never sleep again” “My children will always be crying” “There will be dirty laundry haunting me forever” “This is the rest of my life.” On this day- it was to much. Let’s just say, I am happy to say, my headspace is a little more positive. First time in 5months- not so bad.

I think we all need these moments to remind us, be it ever so harshly, we are only, simply, gratefully, human. Thank goodness for that and a big side of grace. And a loving husband. Not to brag, but my husband rocks. And so do my kids. When these things happen, I realise, stop, slow down- get some glue, grab some acorns- and be amazed.

Somebodys calling my name.

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