Darling Copper Kettle {Thrifted Finds}

I am slowly gaining more confidence when it comes to going out “just for fun” vs. out of necessity with my 3 little munchkins. Make no mistake- 2 grocery trips ago involved EVERYONE needing to do a number 2– the baby took care of that twice.Yesterday at the fabric store the boys needed a total of 2 pee breaks, a poop and the baby needed a diaper change. We were there for the longest hour of my life. I digress- perhaps I am just growing more accepting of my fate.  {If you are so out of this phase, or not a parent. I am sorry…. for mentioning it}

So, I have been rekindling the enjoyment of perusing a thrift store here and there. A few weeks prior to coming ill with the black lung {zoolander anyone?} I spotted a darling little copper kettle. My kids may have been playing unattended in the kids toy area… I know I know- it is NOT a play space. The donated toys are FOR SALE not for testing or touching. But, my 7 year old was keeping everyone in check.

I bought this little diddy for about $3. Isn’t she lovely?Copper Kettle-1I really don’t own much copper- but I do quite enjoy the look of crisp white and copper pots. The blue and white hand painted details on the handle and lid are too sweet. I don’t know if I will actually boil water other then perhaps to use as a air freshener at christmas as copper pots leach copper into whatever you cook in them…. but who said I buy things because they are practical?Copper Kettle-2Copper Kettle-3

The cooler months ahead will cause me to bring my attention indoors. Our little old awkward kitchen is calling my name. While we can’t do a full reno yet {which is what this kitchen needs} I can make it a little more functional and pretty in the mean time…. don’t mind the missing paint to the left of the stove. ahem. #rearrangequeenprobs

Tomorrow, I’ll being sharing with you the latest change in our kitchen. Things are looking a little different in there these days….

Miss Ash

One thought on “Darling Copper Kettle {Thrifted Finds}

  1. your outings some like they’re mostly in the bathroom, funny to read, I’m sure not that funny when it’s happening ?

    very sweet copper pot, looking forward to seeing the changes in the kitchen …❤️

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