
When I had my first baby, my sister loaned me her Baby Bjorn and Hotslings. I knew I would want something to carry baby around in when he or she arrived. The bjorn got us started, but I had not realized how big the world of “baby wearing” truly was. When baby E was 5 weeks old I was given a ring sling. We used this all the time! Little E grew up in this thing- literally. I loved the ease of swinging this on, and it also allowed me to breastfeed when out and about. Yes, I breastfeed and walk around! Markets, malls, or even around the house when E was fussy. I also used it every time we traveled- which was often. I recommend a good carrier for any parent who is heading to an airport. What a great way for baby to feel comforted, and get in a nap, in an otherwise foreign and busy environment.

When E was about 1, I discovered the wrap style carrier. Once I learned to tie it, I never really looked back. This became both mine, and my husband’s favorite carrier. The wrap allowed us to carry our heavy Toddler without the strain on our lower back and shoulder that came with the ring sling. The wrap allows for weight distribution through the back and hips which makes for a much more comfortable walk! You can also carry your baby in so many different positions! Including a cradle, front carry facing inwards or out, and back carry. (plus about 8 other ways!)

When we were traveling in New Zealand we invested in a quality, light weight backpack carrier. I was quite pregnant, so I wasn’t doing any of the carrying. We went on a lot of hikes, and this allowed Matt to carry E and our snacks and water! If you are an avid hiker, than a backpack is great, but, you can definitely get by with something like a wrap or Ergo. (soft structured carrier)

We started wearing Baby G pretty much the day he came home. This was not only a great way for Matt to bond with him, but it also allowed us to tend to our 2 year old, while still keeping little baby close during that pivitol bonding stage. It’s simply not feasible to carry your baby around all the time (like you might have done with your first) because there are things that need to be done, and another child that needs your attention. With the wrap, not only am I able to accomplish simple house hold chores- but I was also able to attend the Farmer’s Market for Nature Bums all summer long with Gabriel in tow.

Without a great carrier, I feel life would be boarder line impossible! It makes grocery shopping a reality ( you can’t put a Toddler and a bucket seat in your grocery cart and expect to have any room for groceries!) When Gabriel was 7 months old we attended a Social Justice conference- carrying him in the wrap kept him calm and gave him a place to nap. When he is fussy or teething and needing extra cuddles, I pop him into the wrap or our soft structured carrier, and am still able to have a life (and arms!).

There are so many benefits to babywearing, and these are just a few that we have experienced:

  • amazing bonding with our babes (we still wear Elijah and he is nearing 3 years!)
  • freedom! (as previously mentioned)
  • continued breastfeeding
  • happier more relaxed babes! (scientific studies have shown carried babies cry less)
  • confidence as a mother. I feel in tune with the needs of my babes, and am still able to offer them my presence even when I have other tasks to accomplish
  • mobility (there are many places you can go with a simple carrier that you can not with a stroller or car seat!)

As a mother I can not emphasize enough how awesome it is to have a great baby carrier! I always reccomend this to my customers looking for a gift for family or friends- and to expecting mammas. While I have heard of some dads being hesitant to wear their babies, mine is an avid baby wearer. My boys have even been worn by their aunty and uncles!

Babywearing recently got a bit of a bum wrap. Please be aware that nothing takes the place of your attention as a parent. Check on baby and be active in your role! Babywearing has occurred around the world for centuries, and is a safe practice when done right! In my opinion, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

A quick safety tip: Keep this in mind when positioning your baby: If in doubt of your baby’s positioning, use the “Kiss Test.” If you can not easily kiss the top of your baby’s forehead while baby is being worn on your front than you should probably reposition baby. Always ensure baby’s chin is not curled towards his chest, and that his airway is not restricted in any manner.

Baby Wearing International has some great information about the benefits of baby wearing, as well as safety guidelines for wearing your baby in all sorts of carriers.

7 thoughts on “Babywearing

    1. I have a picture in my memory of you heading on a bit of an urban hike- boy in backpack, and 2 kiddos in the chariot! I can tell your kids love to “hang” with their dad 🙂

  1. What a great post! My hubby and I are so excited about using our stash of baby carriers when our little one is born(any day now) Somehow we ended up with three different ones, but from reading I really feel like there’s different applications for each(we have a ring sling/ergo/wrap) I really appreciate positivity about baby carrying because I think it’s such a natural way to bond with you baby. Thanks for a great post!

    1. You’re welcome! congratulations on your soon to arrive baby! Very exciting. Babywearing is wonderful 🙂 You will definitely have a preferred wrap for different uses- all of those styles of carriers are awesome! Enjoy 🙂

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