Why Sleep (doesn’t) Matter(s)

It is interesting how riveting “sleep talk” can be as a parent. I have a hard time listening to anyone’s sleep woes when they are single, or childless… ok, maybe I have a cold heart, but I really had no idea what a sleepless night was until I had children. Believe me, just when you think you can’t have worse sleeps than you have had (aka boy E) baby G comes into the world, and gives the term sleepless night a whole new meaning.

If you find yourself in a similar situation to me, there will be the phase when you ask yourself “What is wrong with my *baby?” “Why do people look at me side ways when I say he doesn’t sleep through the night?” (*me) If you have wondered these very things, raise your hand now. You are not alone. Although, most people will make you feel that way, and you might somehow feel crazy when the mom across from you exclaims how great their 6 week old is sleeping… or when another baby sleeps 13 hrs… and you are just wishing for 3. Just smile and nod, or clean the baby barf off your sweater. I am here to say, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Baby G has finally had a breakthrough- he has consistently been waking around midnight, 5, and then up for good between 8-9:30. Some may see this as a sleeping pattern for a newborn (or for ants) not a 14mth old, but for us, it is a breakthrough! And not just the longer stretch, but the lack of crying during those waking moments. He literally spent an avg 1-2 hours crying most nights (for about a year…) Just writing these things down puts me in fear of those nights returning… it always seems once you verbalize things going well with babies, their little sensors go on, and things change.

2 nights ago for example, I thought to myself “wow. Baby G is sleeping well lately…” and within 2 minutes he was crying. I laughed, and told my husband, at which point he told me he had just had the same thought…

At least we are to a point where we can have a sense of humor about it. For example, this post had me laughing out loud… for minutes. I was still laughing just thinking about it. I didn’t even realize it was put together by the author of one of my most enjoyed sites (make baby stuff) It is entitled:

what it is like to (not) sleep at night – illustrated with crappy pictures™

you really should take a look. Funny stuff.

Who would we be if we didn’t laugh at ourselves. Because let’s face it, if we weren’t laughing we’d probably be crying.

I will attribute the first year of sleepless nights to teething. That must be it… isn’t it always teething. (laughing) Seriously though. Baby G had tooth one pop at 11 weeks, and it was all down hill from there. Tooth 2 at 13 weeks, and after that I lost track. At 11 months he had 8 teeth, and as if on cue, at 12 months, he started cutting his 1 year molars. All 4, at once. FINALLY they are through, and I am attributing his good sleeps to lack of teething (and a bit of routine helps too) He hasn’t cut his canines yet, and that is lurking in the back of my mind… but I won’t say anything else. Or think it.

I am now interested in night weaning. I sometimes think, who am I kidding, but it is starting to feel possible. I am a total “feed on demand” kind of girl, and although I sometimes feel crazy when my hubby says “I think he’s hungry” (after he just nursed) I can not deny the convenience of dare I say the boob. It’s comforting for babies, and I am fine with that. Let them be comforted. But, perhaps in the next 4-5 months, we can get baby G night weaned. I am interested in the journey over at TLB as they change over their youngest’s sleep patterns…

Before I had kids, I don’t think I would have been interested in this stuff. Funny how that changes. The most amazing thing of all, I have managed to post this with a 3 year old beside me asking a myriad of questions… “what are you doing?” And without chewing out the ice cream van driver for circling our block 3 times in a row blaring his christmas music.


One thought on “Why Sleep (doesn’t) Matter(s)

  1. I used to love sleep. I used to be able to sleep on command. Anywhere. Anytime of the night or day. Then I became a father. And yes I agree, anyone with children shouldn’t be complaining about sleep. They have no idea.

    Oh and that sense of humor you can have about it, actually isn’t humor at. It’s hysteria from lack of sleep. No sane spouses should be chuckling together at 2 AM about their screaming crying child. Think about it.

    Oh and to help you feel better, both of our children were over a year old before they were even remotely close to sleeping through the night. I’m convinced those parents who brag about their 4 week old sleeping 18 hours at night should be brought to trial for drugging their newborns. If not that, their should at least be some sort of investigation. I smell foul play.


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