Today, I Bought Gimp Trim!

So, if you follow me on facebook or instagram, then you have been privy to a project I started over the weekend! I am working on a reupholstering a chair that belonged to Matt’s Oma… and it’s turning our so beautifully! It has me giddy 😀

This is one of those projects that couldn’t really put the chair any worse off then it was… It was old, dirty and sad. It had been well used and well loved! I used some remnant ticking fabric I got from my mom, and it literally was just enough! I will be back to share all about this project- and how I DIY’d this baby without having a clue as to what I am doing… I mean, yes, I am afraid all the staples will pop out and the fabric will get baggy… but I don’t know that those fears are rational… because I used a million staples.

Today I braved the fabric store post dr’s appointment, with 3 hungry kiddos. I picked up the elusive {to me} gimp trim I have seen Miss Mustard Seed use-it’s real and was was only $1.25/metre. Score! It honestly is like a miracle worker… it makes everything look so neat, tidy and profesh. Here are a few photos I snapped with my phone… {PS my room is a disaster. I know}

I am hoping I have some time to wrap this up in the next few days. I need to close up the back and finish the trim. Matt looked at me sideways when I explained what a “deconstructed chair” was… so I don’t think I will be paying homage to that trend 😉

Just a reminder that the {Thrifted Finds} link party is live until Thursday Evening 🙂 Happy Wednesday! {I think?} This is so not wordless… oops!

-Miss Ash

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