It’s a New Day

The last few years Matt and I have been facing some “pinch me, I’m an adult” moments… and I am not talking about the good ones. Do you ever have those days where you wish you could just forget about the troubles, the complications or the needs. I might be the only one, but in all honesty- I do. Sometimes I want to climb into my coffee mug and go swimming. I don’t want to think about paying bills, being entrepreneurs, house builders, business owners, freedom fighters, real estate investors, creative brain exploders or being adults in general. I want to remember what it felt like to just wake up not feeling as though I am already behind. Another day, with lots of figuring to do. It’s exhausting. I know that sometimes, when you are trying to do things too big for your britches, this is just what life feels like… but somedays, O’ I look at my munchkins and wish I could be a kid again.

This past weekend we were able to get a few things off the list yet it seems like we added new ones… our back door exploded into a billion tiny pieces and our faucet is leaking. Oh well!  We also took some time to just savour our little fam. Blame it on our personalities, or our reality- we just don’t get a lot of down time {maybe no one does!} so, an afternoon “off” is a gift.

Friday we spent the day working on some siding {which wasn’t a day off, but it was still refreshing}  it really truly was such a great day! I had to grab the camera to just remember the cuteness and the giggles that were coming from our 2 youngest. E was such a helper- we had fun sanding, chatting, painting… The boys love to help these days. You know- only with the fun things- but thats ok. While it’s not always as productive, it’s sweet having them around. Our little monkeys remind me that they really are what’s important- they also remind me of the other important things too. Like loose teeth and first steps. Not to mention bike rides and corn in the garden! Did you know “Home Growed Beets are sooooooo much better!”kids in strollergirl in strollerE smilesE squintsI love those kiddos. They help me to not feel as bogged down by all the crap going on every day. Loads of it, it seems this year… but I guess I better grab my galoshes and put on my big girl pants! Crap won’t clean itself. I know I need to face things one day at a time. And if I need to rest I am sure I can find respite in the bike trailer. It seems like a pretty good vantage point to gain some fresh perspective. 😉

-Miss Ash

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