Things that make me crazy

This is a list of 10 Things that make me Crazy. Primarily related to #momlife.

1. 3 days after cleaning up my house in a mad frenzy, and putting things in unusual places, whilst thinking to myself “I will remember where I put this.” Followed by spending hours retracing my steps but never. finding. it.

2. Putting the boys to sleep, and debating cleaning vs. me time.

3. Choosing “quick clean” only to have G wake within 8 seconds of me sitting.

4. Getting a call that someone will be popping over, and realizing I am yet to get dressed. Ps. you also haven’t showered in 2 days.

5. Cleaning anything, making a bed, or folding laundry, only to have it completely reversed within 3 minutes.

6. Not going outside.

7. Nights on end of solo parenting.

8. Breast feeding. some times.

9. My dull hair cutting scissors. (note to self. buy new ones.)

10. Baskets of clean laundry. Why does it seem so hard to put it away sometimes?

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