When you give a mouse a cookie, or a mama some cash from kijiji furniture sales + a night alone to wander the aisles of Homesense- a room makeover is born! There were some really cute things that were a great jumping off point for a colorful girls room makeover for our daughter Finley! So I just decided to go for it- and we are giving her room a makeover.

I started by clearing out everything I could- all that is left are the bed and dresser- since those will be staying. I did remove the bed frame- because we’ve had a hard time with bed placement in here, so I decided it was time to try it all!
I’m about to share photos of her room “before” and let me tell ya- we didn’t clean up! 😉 but let’s just pretend it makes for a more dramatic transformation. She also really wanted to rearrange one day after watching a design show on netflix- so don’t judge people!

When she was a baby I painted her dresser, and added a simple scallop detail to one wall… when she was a toddler I built her a bookshelf and converted her closet to a book nook. But- I haven’t really done much in terms of decorating. You’ll notice she is a crafter and has taped her art up all over the place- so I want to make a way for her to display her art. The vanity is moving out- since she would rather have a desk to draw and color at, as well as more room to play. We also need to add storage for toys!
We looked through pinterest and this girl loves color! Let me tell ya. Which- is obviously not what I am inclined to use- but I am willing to go out of my comfort zone and create a colorful girls room with her.
Her first request was to paint her dresser. I of course like it- but she wanted pink or yellow- aka “golden” I mixed up some leftover paint and….

We are going pink! She is a great little painter! It’s so fun working on this room with her-She’s excitedly enthusiastic about the whole thing.

I love the green chalkboard- but it’ so massive and truth be told she never really uses it. I think I like chalkboards a lot more then my kids. ha! The biggest job in here is painting all the trim and baseboards… its the last room in the house to get the trim painted. Matt is also going to build a new header for this window- as the old one was damaged when we replaced the windows.

It’s looking so much brighter with primer already. I can ‘t wait to see it all take shape. I should probably put together a design board for inspiration, since rooms seem to come together much better when I do that!
-Miss Ash
that’s so sweet seeing Finley painting her dresser… It’s just the beginning…
I look forward to seeing this amazing transformation✨✨✨
She did a great job!! Love her so. 🙂
I love seeing this post!!! It’s so cool that you’ve taken the time and patience to involve her in her space of rest and play!!! So much natural light to work with, and maybe a great gallery wall option (where the chalkboard is)! She’s sooooo beautiful!!! Just like her mom!!!
Thanks Mo!! We are definitely excited about adding a gallery wall- and adding to it over time as we find special pieces. I think that will be fun. You’re so sweet! I loved seeing this comment from you. xo