Reflection on the Justice Tapestry Conference

This past Saturday I had the priviledge of representing RTV at the Justice Tapestry Conference in Strathmore, Ab. The event featured sessions from IJM Rep Mark Wollenberg, The Women of CEASE, Hagar Intl., Opportunity Intl., Burnt Thicket Theatre, AVA, as well as RTV’s own Andrew Kooman. You can learn more about the organizations and the mandate behind this event here. It was an informative weekend, and provided a great opportunity to further connect with individuals working in the fight to end modern day slavery. Each organization is a part of the puzzle, be it in areas of Sexual Exploitation, Labor Trafficking, Poverty, Awareness and Advocacy, Aftercare or Root Causes of Abuse and Explotation. It was eye opening, heart wrenching, but thankfully also encouraging.

I was really happy to again connect with the women of CEASE, who were a part of RTV’s event back in April. CEASE, which stands for “Centre to End All Sexual Explotation”  is based in Edmonton, Ab and is opening a shelter type centre for those that are currently being Sexually Exploited. I’m looking forward to watching and being a part of their unfolding work, as they lead the way in tackling sexual exploitation within Alberta.

It was also a blessing to meet Amie Gosselin of Hagar International. She is a passionate young woman working in Cambodia, and also a new mamma to a beautiful little girl! I was so struck by Hagar’s approach to the enormous and somewhat overwhelming issues, to keep focused on the wholistic care of the individual. This is something that is so important- that it is not simply the statistics, but the stories behind them. The life of one.

I am ever so thankful for people that care. These are the people that are standing up to say, this is not acceptable. I will not turn a blind eye, I will ask questions, I will report suspicious behaviour, and learn how to recognize warning signs. Everyday people who can not ignore the call in their hearts. People like you and me.

I came across this video from Kate Quinn, talking about PAAFE of Edmonton- she is also a part of CEASE, which holds a similar mandate. I hope you are encouraged by her story and how her line of work fell upon her lap. What an inspiring woman!

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