I loved snapping photos of our new to us desk yesterday 🙂 I have shared my last two {Thrifted Treasures} posts on Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Friday– be sure to check out the other pieces and fun projects! As promised I am back with some details about the gallery wall I created.
I am sloooowly learning to use the camera in Manual Mode, and feel like I am learning more each time I get behind the lens. I don’t know why that can feel intimidating, but I am starting to have more fun now that I can remember how to at least adjust the settings! I really didn’t touch these photos up because the light was just so great in the morning… very over cast, which as Matt explained to me- acts as a big filter. Also, if you didn’t see our video of life at the like be sure to take a peek- I actually convinced my husband to make us a video, and he had so much fun! I have so many ideas for the blog and video related content, we just need to free up some time!
Remember my $0.50 thrifted prints? This one just speaks of Adventure!
Last Saturday I was able to spend some time doing a few wood working projects. This “Alberta Silhouette” is something I had wanted to make for a while. I’ve seen lots of State cut outs… Alberta is our home province for all of my American Friends 😉 The heart is drawn on in chalk. It’s simple and reminds me of home. Thank you jig saw!
I love everything about the photo of this lantern and hook.
You can see where this wall is in relation to the rest of the room… the door in the background leads to our bedroom.
I whipped up the boxes that hold the flower bulbs and glass insulators out of some cedar scraps from our exterior trim. The photo of the boat shack is from one of our favorite spots in New Zealand. Bringing these pieces together is starting to make this house feel like a home.
Where do you start when laying out a gallery wall, and what is your method? Do you find it as hard to make sense of everything as I do? I’m using this as practice for the large wall going up the stairs that I plan to fill with photos! I’d love to hear your tips 🙂
-Miss Ash
PS- I thought I would share what the other side of this room looked like while I frantically snapped these photos during nap time… keeping it real! And yes, those are my Christmas Bins waiting to go down to the crawl space!
hi mizz ash
The wall is beautiful!!! great placement of your art, the scale and balance is perfect! I love how you cut out the province of Albert with your jigsaw, Chris was impressed
Oh Thank you!!
That made me smile about Chris! I am slowly getting more skilled with the saws… and overcoming my reservations. But, I will probably never use the Table saw. I’ll leave that one to Matt!
Ash that looks really good! I love it!!!
Thanks Mama!!
Gah! The wall is amazing! Can you come to my house???
Thanks! If only I could 🙂 That would be lovely!
I love it all, Ashlea! So beautiful! And great job on photos manually too!
What a sweet wall display – it all just works perfectly together!
Thank you Mindy!