I wanted to title this post “The Ides of March” but I decided to remain consistent. Can anyone comment on how odd the word “March’s” looks? It looks very improper. Speaking of improper, my consumption of Downton Abbey may fall into such a category. It is rivalled only by that of my sister, Lady Chelsea. She makes me feel a little less guilty about our progress… let’s just say, we have finished season 3. Spoiler, no spoiler… but, it’s all rather shocking. My other sister, Lady Kristin has informed me that season 4 will now be available on the flick of Nets. How delightful.
Enough of this though… time for the month in review, and it’s most visited posts! Is it 5? I think it’s 5. I am the rule maker I suppose… so let’s get right to it! Numero Uno came in at it’s top spot by a landslide! Let’s just say, when the Nester features a post… you realize how crazy her traffic is! My blog went a little bit nuts for it’s dear old self.
1. Our Simple Gallery Wall
2. Antique Desk {Thrifted Finds}
3. Painting Our Farmhouse Cabinets
4. Land of Nod Inspired Bunks
5. Bring New Life to Your Home {for little to nothing}
6. All About That Stuff|Confessions of An Honest Mom {Blogger}
There you have it! The month’s most visited posts. I had to do 6 because 5&6 were tied. I have to say that our gallery wall was one of my favorite projects to date… it just really started to make our house feel more like our home.
It is pretty humbling and intriguing all at once to have all of these nameless people visiting my blog, reading my posts! And now knowing that some of my favorite bloggers have popped in, is just fun for me. {and a bit scary for a feeler/over sharer/imperfectionist hermit} If you are new in the last month, please feel free to say hi! I am not a big time facebooker or tweeter, but I am on there… so leave a comment somewhere, and please introduce yourself. I promise I won’t break out in a British accent immediately. đ
I don’t know if any of you participated in Ana-White’s #GetBuilding2015 challenge, but in the month of March she asked people to share projects using scrap wood. It was really neat to see some of the projects- following the hashtag on instagram and twitter. Inspiring! I was pretty surprised to see her mention our bunk beds in the “Most Beautiful” Category. đ So, I had to say a shout out of thanks… because that was neat! Our little scrappy bunks are famous! {See previous post regarding fame}
April holds the start of our busiest month- 4 out of 5 of our birthday’s {I’m the odd woman out} our anniversary, mother’s day…. yay! Not to mention my baby is turning one… and my boys are turning 5&7 respectively! My hubby is turning 22. Just kidding. But seriously… how old do you think we are? Someone asked us a question regarding “Smartboards when you were in school…” I don’t know how old we look, but our version of a smart board was called a projector, and my school barely had computers… ICQ was this mystical flower on that thing called the internet, and I wasn’t sure why we needed to type, seeing as how we never used computers for anything. Can I get an “uh oh.”
-Miss Ash
P.S. Because I didn’t share a Wordless Wednesday post yesterday… yes, I know it’s so 2010 and I like it… I thought I’d share one of my faves from the last month. She is wonder and joy all wrapped up… and she ruined her brother’s helmet. Also, she was looking at our cat through the window. She looooves Baby Leaf Tiger, Cheetah Racer. Tiger for short.