Creating Space

I often feel a pressing need to simply create space. Space in my mind, in my house, in my heart. When you create space, there is room to just be. Perhaps there is a need to make room for something else, or you might just need to declutter so that you can make sense of what is there. Take inventory.

Lately the rooms of my house and my heart have felt cluttered, and I am just beginning to feel the relief of removing things that were disrupting the peace. As a creative person, I am always collecting. As a mother, I don’t have the ability to attend to things when I want, so a project may go unfinished, or unstarted for much longer than I would ever desire. This is sometimes to my husbands chagrin, but lately he has caught the spark, and we have really been able to share in the joy of creating, and restoring together! I love it. Love.

I feel completely renewed when I have the opportunity to create, and as my family knows- in turn get to share about the process! I think that’s why I find blogging to be so freeing- I can share about things, and if people aren’t interested they don’t have to read. But, in the chance that they are interested, something about the process might impact or inspire them, and that is what I love about it. I myself really enjoy reading other peoples blogs, all pertaining to various topics. DIY inspires me, and personal stories encourage me. Some make me cry and others make me literally laugh out loud. Isn’t it funny how you can be sitting in front of a computer screen filled with words, and make a heart connection with someone you have never met or seen? I think that is amazing. Raise your hand if I am not alone… ahem.

So here I am, I guess, just creating space within my mind. I had something to share tonight, and while I am not totally sure where I am going, I guess this is it. I am thankful for friends, and hearts. People just doing life, and loving the simple things. I am thankful for restoration, and the joy we can find in relationship. I am thankful for creativity and vision, and excitement for the future, as uncertain as it may be.

Here is a peak into the places in my home that allow me to create space (or feel the need to…)

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