A little progress!

I previously mentioned that we are updating our basement, and shared a few inspiration photos that are helping us create dedicated space in the downstairs. Today I am going to share with you a bit of the progress!

We really wanted to have some storage for coats etc. Although we don’t currently rent it out, it is an ideal space for housemates, so, we wanted to keep that in mind with the changes we were making. This inexpensive solution has really been useful… we hang out coats there all the time!

I used some left over trim from our stair project, purchased these hooks from ikea, and topped it with a mirror we already owned… that I believe was purchased for around $10

We purchased a 10ft 1×8 for $15, and cut it in half. We then painted the pieces white and mounted them using these brackets from ikea. Each shelf cost around $11. Not bad considering a 4ft shelf from ikea is about $22…. you can also catch a glimpse of the hooks with said mirror, which fit perfectly!

We bought 2 doors from Habitat- $25 a piece, and boy do those make a difference in the hallway… Once they were painted with new knobs they looked brand spankin new!

So, as you can see…. a definite work in progress! We built a floating desk to go under the shelves, to allow for a laptop desk… and I am liking it 🙂 These aren’t the most pretty shots, but I will have a complete reveal when the basement is more complete!

Here is an idea of the catch all craziness that had become our basement….

I am SO glad that red is gone… its kind of hard to share these pictures… the chaotic craft/reno/toy/recycle room… eeek.

Things are taking shape, and we’re happy about the changes! 🙂

5 thoughts on “A little progress!

  1. this looks really good..i love the colors, and i bet it makes the whole space look bigger..its so fun seeing little updates of your lives:)

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