This season I am in has been about finding my rhythm. As a wife, as a mother, as a small business owner. As a teacher, as a creator, as a child of God. I have slowly begun to realize that I can’t always pay attention to all things, and sometimes, I need to pour more energy into certain areas during certain seasons.
Oh what a refreshing thing to finally be ok with that.
My instinct is to often grab at the things that are slipping behind, trying to juggle and juggle, until I find myself with too many plates ready to drop. So, slowly, I am trying to really listen to God. Listen to my own heart. And realize that I can do what I can do.
I am a doer.
If you have been here any length of time, you know that about me. In fact- I often resent when people comment on how much I do, or how busy I must be… because I am just me! I think… but there is some truth in those comments, and slowly yet surely, I am learning to allow myself to say no. I have an instinct to say yes, and make everything work. It’s true- and while I don’t see that as a negative thing- it can become one if I don’t keep it in check.
So- what have I been saying yes to? Getting up before my family to go to the pool and move my body. Going for walks, or bike rides. Saying yes to putting the work away- and making time for “play.”
Yes to coffee with my love and one more hug.
I have been saying yes to community. Yes to meeting with Godly women to discuss the bible, to share our hearts, and to listen to one another with intention. Yes to last minute meals, and kids in the yard. Yes to impromptu Friday supper with my in-laws. Yes to driving to see family, and do life together, even though it is riddled with long car rides, and a crying baby.
Yes to reading books with my kids, and learning new things in school! Driving to sports practices, and taking care of my people the best I know how. Trying new meals, and making yogurt in the instapot.
Starting seeds, and tending plants. Planning my garden, and focusing on the flower farm. Taking on some more work with web clients, and event planning, and doing what I can to contribute to our family.
All of these things have been good yes’s. And while I haven’t found myself saying a direct no to things, saying yes has just meant that I haven’t had time for all the things. So, I took a bit of an unintentional break from blogging. I really slowed down from sharing on instagram- both in my posts and stories. I haven’t worked on many house projects, and my mantle has sat nearly bare since February.
There has been no less love for this space, or for you dear souls who frequent it. I love this little corner of creativity, and heart I have carved out. I know I will continue to share… but I just wanted to pop in to let you know where I have been lately.
I hope you find yourself moving to the rhythm of the season you are in with grace. Whether it is a slow easy rhythm, or one that pushes your muscles and makes you sweat. Just keep breathing.
xo- Miss Ash
hi mizzzz ash
i love that photo it is amazing!!!
well you “yes” sounds wonderful, one day at a time…😊❤️✨