Spring Home Tour 2018

Well, it’s a great morning around here because I am welcoming Spring in two of our favorite rooms of the house, as a part of the Canadian Bloggers Spring Home Tour Hop hosted by Shannon of Home Made Lovely and Christina of the DIY Mommy! I know… I kind of can’t believe it either?! One, because I am a part of this hop with so many beautiful creators that I admire deeply, and two because we are still knee deep in snow- so it’s a bit of wishful thinking that spring is on it’s way! Ha.

Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceBut, it was meant to be because I found a pile of delicious spring bulbs and they just made my heart sing. My belief is that every house has a story to tell… it is the story of home. Ours is filled with thumping feet, little voices, the aroma of coffee, bread crumbs that get stuck in your toes and piles of dirty dishes. Creating a beautiful and functional home is a purpose that I enjoy, as I want our family to find respite within these walls. I am a mama to four, and a wife to the love of my life. I homeschool our boys, so that means our home is very well loved. I love to create, sleep, and cuddle my little people.

Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceOur kitchen is the heart of the home, and while in many ways it leaves much to be desired, it serves us well. We cook many meals here, have deep talks, and learn so much within this space. It tells the story of a time now long gone, of grain bins and very little modern convenience. The squeek of the cupdoard doors, and the scraping of the drawers as they open and close throughout the day, remind me that not all things in life are difficult. So much can be accomplished with a hot nourishing meal.Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas Dance

My littlest kitchen helper always likes to be a part of the action. Three has to be one of the cutest ages- although some days it also gives me a few grey hairs!Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas Dance

Our living room is one of my favorite spots to cozy up in during the afternoon. It get’s such wonderful sunlight, and decorating our fireplace is definitely my most beloved way to mark the changing of the seasons.Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas Dance

These spring bulbs just make my little heart go pitter pat. I recently shared about my new adventure starting up a flower farm- and I simply can’t wait for all the bulbs and blooms in my future!! We are growing in central Alberta so be sure to join us on the journey. You can find us on facebook & instagram @meadowfarmfloralsSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceI just can’t get enough ticking in my life. Or ruffles. Or coffee… or sleep.Spring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas DanceSpring Home Tour | Via Ashlea of This Mamas Dance

Thank you so very much for stopping by my spring home tour today. I hope it reminds you that it doesn’t take much to celebrate the gradual shifting of the season… A few cut flowers, or planted bulbs can go a long way in bringing color and joy into your home! It felt so wonderful to get behind the lens again since having Theodore four months ago- and making things pretty just because.

Be sure to stop by the other Canadian blogger’s tours throughout the rest of the week. You can find all of the participants below. We truly hope it inspires you for spring, even if you are like me- with a ways to go until the snow stops flying. If you enjoyed this tour and are new here, I would love to have you follow along by subscribing– you can also find me on instagram and youtube. Nothing is ever perfect, and there are probably too many ponytails and paintbrush diaries- but I like to think we have fun!

-Miss Ash


Home Made Lovely

A Pretty Life

The Happy Housie

Life is a Party

This Mama’s Dance


So Much Better With Age

The Dreamhouse Project

The Learner Observer

A Burst of Beautiful

Woman in Real Life


Clean and Scentsible

Paper Rose

Harbour Breeze Home

Emmett’s ABCs


The DIY Mommy

Mint Candy Designs

Rambling Renovators

The Creek Line House

PMQ for two


Kim Power Style

Northern Style Exposure

Vinyet Etc

Amidst The Chaos

One House 2 Barns

32 thoughts on “Spring Home Tour 2018

  1. Your home looks so happy and inviting! You are one of my favorite bloggers because your style is so casual and practical but so beautiful! We’re in Michigan and are also so very ready for spring and some warmer days. And what a cutie that little one is! Age 3 is so much fun.

    1. Thank you so much Courtenay! It was so fun to share a few places of our home prettied up for spring, even if it is still very wintery in these parts. xo

  2. Your home is so lovely and warm Ashlea…it’s a beautiful space to raise your family! I love your kitchen and fireplace so much, just gorgeous!

  3. Your writing is so warm and inviting. I could almost hear those cupboard doors and drawers opening. I am an Alberta gal too. Beautiful home! I love the bulbs!

  4. Legit dying over that kitchen. The pull-out cutting board? the robin’s egg upper cabinets? love it all! Cute kid too 😉

    The living room looks cozy and stylish, so well done! Enjoy spring!

  5. It’s so, so lovely Ashley! I adore your springy mantel decor! Your home feels so fresh and pretty and perfectly welcoming and comfortable. So much character!

  6. You know your kitchen has my heart, it’s just perfection! So charming and welcoming and your daughter helping you… it was almost too much for me to bear! Seriously, this is where all family memories are made the heart of your home. Sigh! I’m with ya too on the ticking… I don’t have any, other than in tea towels, but I can feel an addiction starting, hahaha! 🙂 Happy Spring and thank you for such a lovely tour!

    1. thank you for your sweet words Laurie. So kind! I am so glad you stopped by, and took the time to leave such a lovely comment. Yes… ticking is just wonderful. I work it in wherever I can 😉 haha

  7. Enjoyed your Spring House Tour, your home is so relaxed and homey looking and the Spring accents are so fresh. Like you, I adore ticking. It is a very versatile fabric and depending on the color can go from country to contemporary and anywhere in between. Though I have never been a big fan of river-rock fireplaces (they are often so dark and heavy looking ) your’s has to be the best I’ve ever seen with it’s pale rocks, mortar, bleached wood mantle and shiplap chimney breast. It has totally changed my opinion of what that type of fireplace can be – great choices. So glad I was able to see your place and look forward to seeing more.

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