Earlier this month I was able play with flowers, creating some arrangements for an annual wedding show I go to with my flower farm business. I enjoy the practice of creating, and so I reconstructed some of our bouquets and arrangements. I thought it would be fun to share some of the completed arrangements with you in preparation for spring. March has been a very cold month for us, and we are expecting another huge dump of snow this week. I’m trying to keep positive… If you can get your hands on some flowers it is such a peaceful, creative outlet.

I wanted to see how the arrangement felt in slightly different urn styles. Because I used chicken wire inside of the vessel I was able to pick up the entire arrangement and place it unto a cream colored urn.

It’s remarkable the difference that a wide mouth vessel with a tapered bottom makes. The black urn was thrifted and the cream one is from Michaels.

There are teeny tiny signs of spring showing themselves as the snow melts little by little, like daffodils and allium tops poking through the surface. IT will be such a welcome day when I have flowers to cut from the garden again. We’ve started our early flower seeds for the farm, but the next 4 weeks is when we really kick seeding into high gear. Despite so much uncertainty these days, we are continuing to press on with preparations for our flower business. Praying that things feel a little more normal in the near future.
I hope you are keeping well, finding peace, rhythm, and purpose as we enter into a new season.
Miss Ash
beautiful flower arrangements, bursting with spring and life…i love the colour combinations…✨