Hello my friend! What a week we’ve had, this seemed like a good day for a snowy farm tour. Our new to us horse Razzle arrived over the weekend, and we have been learning about and getting to know one another. We have never owned a horse- but my sister in law is a horse person, so it’s a family affair. Razzle is a very well trained horse excited about the attention and some new grass.
We recently had a big storm, and I went for a little walk around the farm to snap some wintery photos- as it doesn’t snow too often here.

I can’t wait to see what our orchard will look like in the spring when everything is in bloom. For now I will enjoy it blanketed with snow.

We haven’t had much of a consistent routine this month. And rather than fight it, and feel frustrated I am trying to embrace this season we are in. So much about life is new and unfamiliar, and not just because our whole world has changed in the last year on a global scale.
Farm life, moving, missing friends, missing family. It’s all part of it. Some days I am energized, and others I’m not. I admire Matt’s ability to seize the day no matter what. He is such a hard worker. Be it on film projects, his coffee roastery, or working around the farm. And he still manages to help neighbours when they need it. What a gift God has given me.

At the end of the month we will bringing home two mama ewes who will give birth this spring. I am so excited to have baby lambs! And also nervous. I was walking on the beach one day when a dog ran up to Poppy and I… I got to chatting to the owner of the dog. She had a large smile and was very friendly. She asked if our dog was a pet or for livestock- and I explained we recently bought a small farm and got the dog for the bears/predators. She knew the farm and previous owner (it was a sheep farm) and also had sheep. I casually asked if she ever sold her sheep….
As it turns out she wasn’t planning on it until I asked. But last year she kept two replacement sheep… so it was all meant to be.

We ended up going to her farm shortly after Christmas to meet her sheep and see her operation. And learn more about what it might look like to keep sheep. She said the best sheep to keep are the ones you like! She’s been raising sheep for 20 years and loves them. She seems like a kindred spirit, and I am so glad we met that day on the beach.
She came out to our farm this week to give us a set of eyes on the small sheep barn- and to talk more about getting set up for sheep. I really like her, and I am thankful for her mentorship.

I am trying to soak in the nature around me, get in the word of God, and take deeper breaths. Pray without ceasing, and commit my way to God. There are so many seemingly large and scary things going on in this world. It can become overwhelming. Yet when I focus on God’s truth- His freedom, I feel a peace that washes over me. I am letting go of my anger about it all, and trusting that God is using it to refine His church. To strengthen me, to draw me closer to Him. To remove everything that shouldn’t be there.
When I looked at our farm washed in a blanket of white snow, I could see it with fresh eyes. The fields didn’t look as over grown, and the piles that needed to be dealt with seemed to disappear. The old buildings twinkled with a little bit of magic.
I am so thankful for the goodness of God. I am thankful for his many gifts. So as you get ready to go into the weekend, blast the worship music and let it go…. surrender your heart to Him and He will show you the next step.
-Miss Ash
I hope you enjoyed this snowy farm tour.
The snow covers the earth in a blanket of peace, a hush comes upon the land, it looks so beautiful Mizzzz Ash…
Love the photo of your blue stone house in the background and the snow cover tree branch, magical…✨the photo of the bus looks amazing it’s right out of the movie “into the wild“…
also the area where the sheep will be going looks fantastic! it also could be out of a movie shoot, perhaps your land and buildings will have other purposes besides the obvious…
poppie in the snow too sweet, she blends in perfectly, and the moss on the tree with the snow, where does that happen , I guess on the farm u bought …🤗
I really enjoyed the pictures and your writings, a blessing with my morning coffee…thank you Mizzzz Ash☕️🥰✨
This note made my day. Thank you Mizzzzz D. xoxo