I have to be honest… I wanted to paint this nightstand simply because, I don’t like it. It’s not that I felt really inspired by it’s beauty, and wanted to better bring it out… no, it’s that I was tired of the very orange wood. We bought this when we were first married… with a Canadian Tired gift card. This is what I like to call Allen Key Furniture. It’s made the rounds as a tv stand, toy chest… and now it’s back in our room until I can replace it with a piece I love. It serves a function, which is usually to hold diapers and wipes for early morning changes…In the mean time I just didn’t want it to be so orange.
Here is how it started out.
It came to this point in a very round about way… You see, I had wanted to use a $1 sample jar I had, that appeared to be grey. But, when I put on the first coat it indeed did not look grey… it looked very “army”… army green that is:
The funny thing is, is that it doesn’t look so bad in the photos… not nearly as orange and grey. Perhaps I should have gone for white? I don’t know… but basically I just started pouring paint into a plastic cup… a little black, a little grey, a little white. I also decided to paint the baskets, because I figured no matter what color the frame, it wasn’t going to tone down the orange. For painting the wicker, I really watered down my mix, and brushed it on with a 1.5 inch brush. I did 2 coats, then lightly ran a piece of sand paper over the drawers. IÂ applied more pressure and effort to sand the frame.
I hung this sweet painting from Matt’s mom over the nightstand. I am more and more drawn to little pops of gold…It’s not some incredible piece of furniture, but it is something I think many of us have kicking around… I don’t necessarily love it now, but I do prefer it over it’s orangey original đ I am starting to learn more about my “style” and our bedroom furniture definitely doesn’t reflect that right now. I thought I had found the perfect bed frame on kijiji, but didn’t hear back… isn’t that just the worst! The one that got away… #muffledsobs
I am hoping to get some sewing done this weekend. I have Finley’s baby doll all layed out, and also decided to make some bunting for all of the upcoming birthday celebrations! I love to sew, and don’t do it enough… hopefully this will get me in the groove to start my slip covers!
-Miss Ash