After the winter, it seemed every jacket, glove, and pair of shoes we owned had migrated into the mudroom. Every inch was bursting at the seams, and so I decided to clear everything out that I could, and started a deep clean… but then I noticed the door was pretty dinged up- and I never really liked the green I chose for the cubby shelf. So- out my paintbrush came!

You might remember that my husband added this mudroom onto the house. I shared about the whole renovation process and transformation here. I had originally painted the door a deep shade of blue.

My in-laws gave us some sample paint pots when they cleaned out their basement, so I decided to put one of the containers to use. I also repainted the shelf white! First I tested the color, and then I gave the door a light sand, and good clean. I think the difference between the two colors is much more noticeable in the photo below.

I found the cubby shelf at a thrift store for around $20. It is handmade, and I had originally planned to strip it to the original wood. But underneath a minty paint color, was black stain… too much work for this gal- so I decided to paint it green! I was inspired by Miss Mustard Seed’s Laundry Room Makeover. But it just wasn’t quite the right shade of green- and so it wasn’t working for me! (isn’t this laundry room adorable though?!)

I really love the simple changes in here, and how it makes the room feel clean and bright. At least momentarily- before it is filled with shoes and kids stuff again!

It’s not an overly large room, but it offers great storage- and is the main entrance we use each day. Don’t mind the mismatched hardware on the door… I changed out the deadbolt for a keypad deadbolt which we absolutely love! It’s so nice in the winter if we need to warm up vehicles (we don’t need the keys to lock up!) and it’s handy if the kids forget something and need to run back in the house… plus it’s convenient for neighbours to check on pets if we are away.

I’ll work on moving the last of the not needed gear out of here- and putting the flip flops, sunscreens and beach towels front and centre.
-Miss Ash
This update is soooooooooo spring-ish and joyful and happy!!!!
Love the blue. The shelf looks much better white.