Our Fireplace {update}

We put a wood burning fireplace in the addition last year when we were at the framing stage. The last time I shared an update it looked like this:

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I was really undecided about my plans with the pine above, and we had yet to choose any stone. A friend of ours had some remaining stone from her exterior project and offered it to us… 2 things I loved about that. 1) She is awesome and 2) I loved getting to see the finished project… it helped to better envision what it would all look like! Which I sometimes have a hard time doing. I had originally toyed with the idea of white washing the pine, then I though I could do a custom “grey wash”/weather the wood… But once the stone went up, things were feeling a little grey. Plus, we decided to build our mantle out of some beautiful reclaimed wood. I wanted it to really sing, so I decided to paint out the upper portion, and I am so happy with the results!

fireplace 2Squeeeeeeee! I am so happy with it! Matt and I pulled a really long day working on the mantle. It was really fun! As the night came, I was super motivated to finish, aka paint (hello coffee my old friend) and Matt was hitting a wall. I REALLY wanted crown moulding around the top, but it was just a mind job for Matt at the time. Love of my life that he is, he fought through and put it up. He did actually mutter the words “You know sometimes… how, like… crown moulding can make things look cheap?” To which I tread very lightly and said… “hunny I don’t think that thought ever crossed my mind. but nice try.” And then it became our joke. And I painted away, and he told me how the white was the right decision. I was so tired. But then I would just randomly catch myself admiring it over the course of the next few days.

We went with very simple trim. I had pinned a bunch of inspiration pictures with fancy trim, all boxed out and yada yada. But, my husband talked me out of that, and suggested less was more here. So we went simple. With a little bit of fancy on top ;-). The corner caps are 3.5″x1″ mdf.

I know. It’s a work in progress. We still need to fill in the mortar, make our cuts and finish the sides. But it’s lovely. I am so thankful we have a wood burning fireplace, and here in the -30 its almost a necessity. We have had our furnace go out, and that can be a bit scary. Yay fire!

fireplae 3I basically did the most minimal Christmas decorations this year, because I was busy sewing things and finishing house projects. I love that little tin sign. It was a gift from my mother in law that I had actually spotted at a craft sale, and she surprised us with it. I look forward to decorating the mantle “for real” but this will do for now. What will I put up there now that Christmas is over… hmm. The tree was a clearance find from Michael’s a few years ago, and I made the little bunny for the boys when they were both toddlers.

I kind of forgot how much I love to sew! I am working on a dolly for Fin. I try to give all of my babies a hand made gift on their first Christmas. Fin’s will just be a little late, but I think she’s ok with it.



I think that bit of wood is my favorite part of the mantle. I think my love for details makes Matt laugh. But those little details make my heart swoon. I wonder about the story of that piece of wood… who made that saw mark? Where did the wood come from? Who built the old building… and where did that tree grow? There is so much life in a piece of wood. I know my love of trees and wood comes from God. I just do. He loves them too. And now that piece of wood is in our home, as the mantle that holds the stockings for our sweet babies. I think it will be here in our home offering it’s beauty and stories for many years to come.

fireplace 4I am going to use one of my favorite worst, over used design words. Patina. I LOVE the patina of this wood. I gently sanded it with an orbital sander, and it brought out the blade marks beautifully. I left some of the weathered grey, with golden hues peeking from underneath.

Well my dear friends, that is our fireplace for now. I didn’t capture it in these photos, but we used a slate tile for the hearth. I’ll be back to share an update/reveal of the rest of the living room so far (with a Christmas Tree! ha!) In the spirit of The Nester, I am welcoming you into our mess, and our unfinished beauty. 🙂 Thanks for sharing in this with me.

-Miss Ash





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