
Last week  I shared a bit of my heart with you. A friend of mine asked me about getting together to “muck” through this whole thing of mothering, being a wife and what it actually looks like to find our identity in Christ. Not just say we do… but to rest in him. I am so thankful for her, and people like her that really desire to dig deeper into this one and only life. Sometimes I feel too busy to “add one more thing” yet it is often the really important stuff we don’t make time for… like massages 😉 Oh how my prego back could use an adjustment and massage! I’m putting it on the list.

I have heard of and seen the hashtag #1000gifts so I decided to google it. It is a book by Ann Voskamp, which is also a DVD series. The focus is gratitude, joy and grace… I am sure I am very behind on this, but if you haven’t heard of it, take a visit to the website 

I watched the first 20 minute session, and while I can’t quite describe it other than feeling a little uncomfortable to start (I had no idea what I was getting into) by the end I had tears in my eyes, and something about her words and heart so deeply resonated with mine. So, I am going to order it and follow along with the study guide. This might be something I do with my friends, or alone, I am not sure yet.

I love the premise… writing a list of 1000 things I love, 1000 gifts that are right here in my everyday life. It reminds me of being a little girl, soaking in the beauty of Mizz Deborah’s garden, and feeling as though it grew out of the ground just for me, to play in and explore… to travel to another world.

-Mizz Ash

One thought on “Gratitude

  1. oh mizz ash, how i loved you in the “secret garden” of the yard…you were most often off on some wonderful adventure with Rachel…she followed behind you, mesmerized by the journey the two of your were taking, to some far away enchanting place…

    i loooove the book 1,000 gifts, i bought it only because of the cover that drew me into another place in time and then it blessed me…i now give them as gifts.

    i have a little yellow sticky that i see when i am first out of bed in the morning it says “attitude or gratitude”, attitude being my will, gratitude being God’s. i try to remember it with each moment of the day, sometimes i go through the alphabet from A-Z naming things i am thankful for with each letter…

    enjoy your journey of 1,000 gifts…

    i love you always.

    mizz deborah xoxo

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