Today I am kind of throwing out the schedule… I am too interesting to post a project or DIY. Just kidding. In reality, I don’t have any good pictures… this shouldn’t be so hard, I know. But, when you take into account that I must first try to take decent pictures with decent lighting, and keep my little kiddos at bay/entertained long enough to take said pictures, then upload and possibly edit… just no time this week. So instead I will write about food.
A week ago Monday I started a no sugar/no fat/essentially the first 17 days of the “17 day diet” I am not a dieter per se, how ever, I have a little extra weight kicking around, which has been a little hard to shake when married to Mr.Fat Free. He is a bit of a bad influence on me đ So, I wanted something that was quite strict, and could act as a bit of a cleanse to get things in proper working order. The daily meal plan goes something like this (with variations):
- Eggs (whites)
- green Tea
- 1 serving of fruit
- Salad/protein
- green tea
- Salad or cooked veggies/protein
- Snacks
- green tea
- 1 serving of fruit
- yogurt
The first 7 days went really well. It has been good that Matt was away, because I didn’t have to worry about preparing him alternate meals… the boys are pretty easy to please with yogurt, breads, veggies and smoothies… so it was all good. But. the but. The last 2 days my snacking self got the better of me. Confession, I derailed. But, thats ok. I am not too worried. Interestingly though, last night I had sugar after a week of no sugar… and this morning? Pounding headache in my brain. I have had major headaches since the birth of baby G, and now that I have one at this very moment, I am realizing that I have not had any headaches for the last week- despite my lack of sleep with Matt being away.
So, that is actually a very helpful discovery! It totally makes sense, because I know sugar is not good for my body on so many levels. Today I am back on track so here is to hoping that this headache gets chased away.
The hardest thing for me has been the lack of snacks… and breads. I love breads, especially when they involve peanut butter. That is the one thing I am totally craving! Natural peanut butter… that was one of my slip ups :-0 And then whole grains… it is obvious why people lose weight on this, you are eating vegetables and protein! And pounding green tea like its going out of style.
Here is to better eating habits for our whole family, and the instinct to reach for an apple instead of a granola bar!
This little recipe, although simple, has been my go to snack. I like to call it
Apple Pie Smoothie
- 1 apple diced
- 1/2 cup of pro-biotic plain yougurt (I use 2%mf)
- Water
- Ice
- a few drops of stevia
- cinnamon to taste
put ingredients in the bullet and blend. yum.
Now I realize this is the worlds most basic smoothie, I am all about my flax and protein powder… lots of yumminess. But, no “fats” with the exceptiong of 2tbsp a day I think… so, this is it for now.
On the note of weight loss, I must say that I have been pretty blessed in that I haven’t had to diet much in my life. I have generally made healthy choices, but my baby weight from #2 stuck around a bit longer than I’d like… ie. he is 1.5yrs old. I only have about 5-10 lbs to lose to be at pre-baby weigth, so that is nice, but also takes self control to just lose that last little bit. But more than that, I am looking forward to making more space for healthy activity. There is obviously the bustle of having 2 little ones… but with Alberta winters, the cold snowy weather can be intimidating. Sunday was a gorgeous day, and the boys and I spent several hours out back on the walking trails with the sled, sloshing through the snow. What a great way to get a “work out” in.
When you are a mom, going to the gym isn’t always an option. Especially if you have little ones that don’t enjoy child care, or have random napping schedules etc. In the winter it seems to take 15-20 minutes just to get the 3 of us from dressed, to coats on, boots on, and in the van by which time someone is hungry, tired, or has to pee. So, having the opportunity to go outside is awesome! And my boys love it. My heart was so warmed by my Alberta boys… Gabe in his snowsuit racing through the snow, and dipping his head in puddles. Elijah trekking ahead pulling the sled. I’m looking forward to the family cross country ski trips that will ensue in the years ahead đ
One final thought on food: I am so inspired by people that have the courage to change their lifestyle! I want to share with you a friend of mine from highschool who is on an amazing journey of health and wellness! She has lost 65lbs, is running races (a big one this week) and going to school to become a dietician. She shares about her journey on her blog Weights and Measures and has a ton of healthful yummy recipes, specializing in plant based foods. So pop over, say hello, and be inspired!