Happy Easter my friends. Yesterday morning I sat alone in the living room with a cup of coffee, and worship music in my ear buds. And the tears began to flow. I am in awe of God’s good love for us. There is nothing we have to do, no person we have to be, to receive his love. That while we were yet sinners, Jesus laid down his life. That is truly good news. In a society that idolizes perfection- in our image, bodies, style, hair, homes, families, careers- and the ever illusive “life balance” it struck me how God receives us just as we are. Broken? Yes. A work in progress? Yes. Putting one foot in front of the other to just take that next step? Yes. Coming out of sin? Yes. I am not perfect, I am not finished-But Christ finished it on the cross. God welcomes me into his arms every moment of the day. My walk with God is not perfect, and it never has to be. I am a work in progress. I do and will make mistakes. Even if others are disappointed in me- God sees my heart, and he will wade with me through it all. The one thing I can cling too, that brings me hope in a hopeless world is the real, true, hope in Jesus Christ. He is my hope today and tomorrow ❤️ His hope is available to anyone who asks.
I’ve linked the song I listened to on repeat. God is always faithful. He will take care of us, here and in heaven. Storms may come, winds may blow- but he is with us. God Bless you.
-Miss Ash