Little by little I have been getting our DIY desk area finished! In case you missed it, we needed to add an area to our home for our kids to do their school work, and this little corner seemed like the perfect spot. Our goal was to do something that brought some character to our home, while keeping the costs low, as we are planning to do a kitchen reno which will include replacing the floors in the main living area. I love how this DIY desk area is coming together, and what is more important, the kids are using it a ton!
I had sampled several colors and decided to go with Backwoods from Benjamin Moore. It is a beautiful deep green. I still have to finish painting the underside of the uppers, and the edges of some of the doors- but I wanted to share an update as I am loving how it is coming together. I will also plan to trim out the upper cabinets similarly to what we did with our beverage bar area in the last house.

You might remembered we repurposed an old base cabinet that had a very 90’s vibe. I am so happy with the transformation now that it is painted! I also scored some beautiful round brass knobs, a bag full for $5.99 from the thrift store.

The counter top is from IKEA (it is the KARLBY Oak Veneer) and the uppers are basic flat packed cabinets from the EuroStyle Line and Home Depot. I would like to do a DIY shaker to the flat fronts, but for now I have painted them and we like them much better! I started out with a light sand, then a good layer of primer and 2 coats of paint. I think I may even add a third coat- but we shall see!

I know I always say this, but I just love the transformation that a few fresh coats of paint can bring. It has been very rainy and gloomy so the lighting made it difficult to capture the color, but the Backwoods Green really unified the cabinetry, and brings this moody, cozy corner to life. Now to finish the final paint touch ups, and get these cabinets organized!
-Miss Ash
Looks like a nice built-in! Great color.