I was able to make this simple DIY brooder box in about 20 minutes, after grabbing supplies. It adapted this from an idea I found on pinterest, and thought I would share what I did to put it together, and also give a quick supply list for getting set up for bringing baby chicks home. I know there are several options, but this is what we put together for our baby chicks!

To keep the chicks safe and happy we gathered the following:
- a waterer
- a feeder
- medicated chick starter feed (from UFA)
- paper towel (to line the bottom of the brooder)
- straw bedding (introduced once they knew what their food was)
- heat lamp
- DIY brooder Box
The paper towel allows for a non slip surface for the chicks, I have a layer of brown packing paper underneath it. I change the paper towel 2x’s a day beacause these (7) chicks poop a ton! We also give them fresh water daily. A few days after bringing them home we put in a rolled up sock for them to roost on which they seem to like!

DIY Chicken Brooder Box
For the brooder box I bought the following supplies from our local home improvement store:
- a large rubber bin (ours has handle clips to keep the cat and toddler out!)
- hardware cloth
- washers
- nuts and bolts
I traced out a rectangle on the lid leaving enough clearance around the perimeter to attach my hardware cloth. Matt then cut the plastic with a utility knife. I drilled holes through the top lid (for a total of 6 holes) then threaded the screws through the holes and secured the hardware cloth on the underside of the lid using the washer and bolt.
It’s been great for our chicks. The hardware cloth allows plenty of airflow, while still being protected. The kids can see them without reaching in all the time, and most importantly it keeps our curious kitty out!
A note on placing the heat lamp- just be sure it is only shining on about 1/2 your box so that your chicks have a cool place to move if they’re too warm. Because this box is in a heated house we have the lamp around 22″ from the chicks. We were recommended about 18″- but to also just keep an eye on the chicks behaviour. I found this article very helpful!
The chicks seem to be happily adjusting and will be ready to move into a coop in just a few weeks.
-Miss Ash