It’s been far too long since I have put together a home tour, so it seemed like the perfect time to share our cottage style summer living room. There have been a few changes here and there, and I have been re-arranging and shopping the house.

I love classic cottage style, but I find our home often leaning toward a coastal or more modern cottage style… and I think that has something to do with having little kids. I can’t have all the little knick knacks and accessories around! All that to say- can I define my style? I am not really sure. But who says you need to have a defined style? I think homes look best when they suit the people that live there.
I moved those antique desk into the living room as a side table, and I love how much it cozied things right up!

Ya’ll know I love the season of cutting branches and flowers from the yard- I try to bring something fresh from the yard each week during the summer. I’ve incorporated more colors in this room too- warm woods, soft greens, and muted blues.

For anyone wondering, our espresso machine is a breville with an integrated grinder and it is my favorite thing ever! I drink americanos every morning- made with Maker House Coffee of course- and I think I’m ruined for life. haha

I also brought the games table down to our living room from the loft, and I just love it here. It worked well for all those zoom calls (anyone else?) and now serves us for an afternoon game of crib, or a spot for school or office work.

I like to change up the scripture on the chalkboard and find it to be a daily encouragement.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! This room will soon be getting packed up in preparation for our move- but until that day comes we will continue to enjoy this space. I hope your week is off to a lovely start. xo
-Miss Ash
Want to see how this room has evolved? Check out this page!