Window Shop! Bring on The Beard.

So while I am not {really} thinking of Christmas… uh um. I did hear today that there are like 56 days to Christmas, or something like that. I am planning to give as many hand made/local/small business gifts as I can this year… yay! I have slowly been moving more and more that way over the last few years, and its nice. Sure, it might be humble sometimes, but its thoughtful too. I like that. Now that I have kids, it’s funny how your gears kind of change. You want to make it special for them, and come up with family traditions that will be a part of your family story for years to come. It hit me last year that I am Santa! Woah!! Sometimes I still wish Santa would pop over after I head to bed (hint hint mama) but, it is fun. I don’t mind being Santa.

A few of our traditions since Matt and I got married include a Christmas Eve skate on the pond, Christmas Eve Candle lit service, Cinnamon buns in the morning, and if we are here- Wife Saver at Matt’s parents. (I need to get and share the recipe for that because it is seriously delicious!) We have all of the normal traditions, but these are just a few that we started…Just talking about Christmas gets me excited! What is with all of the Christmas references this week? Perhaps it has something to do with the snow that we woke up to this morning.

I’ve decided that in all my wacky trains of thought (yes Ashlea… where are you going with this?) this would be a good time to share some of my online window shopping. I could laugh that I just made a pun, but didn’t intend to… window! Get it??? So, here are some cute things that I thought would be fun to share!!

Tiny Toms. Some people like to say stupid things about that fact that Toms are trendy now, but you know what, if there is any bandwagon to jump on- this is a good one! Toms are soooo comfy, and every pair of shoes that are sold get matched by a gift of shoes to a child in need.

How cute is this??? They are made by a local Etsy Shop in Red Deer called Melon and Pebble. Oh I could dress a zillion new born babies in these hats! And slippers… and my own head for that matter. The cute, the cozy, the sheer awesomeness!

This is so cute, and combines 4 of my favorite things! Paint, mason jars, shelves and hooks! I guess we could add flowers for a 5th 😉 Shop on Etsy here.

I love stripes, red, and nautical elements. This pillow? Yes. Simple, lovely. Find it on Etsy here.

These are just kind of fun and cute! Ear muffs on Etsy here.

Okay… hot pink is not usually my deal, but isn’t this fun?! On Etsy, here.

Vintage toy truck. Cute much? on etsy here.

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