Time to Pause, The Advent Book We are Reading with Our Kids

Every year we have good intentions when December 1 rolls around. This year we will do an advent reading with our kids, every, single, day. We will light the candle, and focus on the true meaning of the season, and say no to hustle and commercialism. 

But then we miss a day. And then another. And suddenly it feels as though we are dropping the ball, and missing out on doing something incredibly meaningful for us and our kids. Something beyond the fun memories of baking cookies, and decorating the tree- we are digging into the word of God, together. However, finally, I am letting myself  accept a truth that is often hard for me to do.

Life happens.

That is what I am reminding myself of these days.  Even though I wish I could be perfectly rested, and organized,  keeping on top of all the things- life happens. So this year- I am reminding myself that each day, there are moments to love on my kids, to choose the grace of God, and let the Holy Spirit work in each of our lives. We will do our best to take time out together as a family, and quiet our hearts before God- but if it doesn’t happen quite as I’d like it to, I am not going to feel like it’s a #momfail (really don’t like that term by the way! But I know so many moms feel it)

God is so good!! We can simply come before him. Suddenly, all of the worries, and stress that can come with trying to make this time of year “special” for everyone, or the tiring hustle of trying to meet all of the extended family commitments and attend every party- can melt away. We can let it go. There is so much extra that comes with December. And while it is one of my favorite times of the year, I often tumble into January exhausted.

This December, we have been reading Ann Voskamp’s Advent book “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” which is a family devotional. It is a beautiful book, written from the heart, and leaves my soul feeling refreshed. If you have read any of her other books, than… well- you know.

We have been reading this book together after supper (most nights) sometimes we have some good conversations or discussions with the kids, and other nights we are finished and they don’t have much to say. I am learning to put aside my expectations of what this time “should” look like- and we have had some really sweet nights. 

Don’t get me wrong- there are also nights where Matt and I ask ourselves why it’s so hard for our kids to sit still and be quiet for 15 minutes. haha! 

Anyhoo, I just wanted to encourage you that if you have wanted to slow down this season- it is never too late. It’s ok if you “miss” some days here and there. There is no expectation, but for an expectant heart receiving the love of a good Father. 

-Miss Ash

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