Sunny, silent, swift and sweaty?

This morning both of my kids decided to get up by or before 7am. Now for some, I know this isn’t early, however, after a long day and late night- my head was nothing short of feeling “a little” groggy. You know the feeling when you have to wake up, but you feel more tired than when you went to sleep? (how that is possible I am not completely certain, but it is) Today was one of those mornings. Amazingly enough, I actually had the will/energy to make coffee! (matt usually coaxes me out of my warm blankets with the sound of the grinder and the smell of a fresh brew)

Something about today was different, and I know exactly what it was! It was WARM and SUNNY when the day decided to say hello. After my morning coffee, I went outside to check the garden. Once the spring arrives, I enjoy checking in on my garden everyday. There are very few conditions that will prevent me from taking a tour around my garden. Today my mini-tulips have red blossoms, about to open- and my daffodils aren’t far behind. As a gardener, the joy I feel at the signs of growth, and spring actually being here sends me into a tizzy of excitement. Several weeks ago, after I picked up my trays and seeds, I was grinning ear to ear from the check out line all the way until I pulled into my drive way. My little seedlings reminded me that winter does not last forever, spring will come again!

On today, this fresh spring morning, I decided to head out for a bike ride with the boys. I have taken E out one time this year, but this was my first venture with the 3 of us… the boys sharing the trailer. Elijah didn’t want to get in “But mommy, Gabey will pull my hair…” He wasn’t unjustified in having that fear, because G has a crazy death grip, and he loves to pull his big brother’s hair (I shouldn’t laugh) As we began to peddle, I felt a new sense of freedom.  You see, I love to bike! Myself and my 2 boys headed out to face the day, and it was so peaceful! I did not hear a peep from the two of them.

As I rounded the loop of the pond behind our house, I was able to enjoy some thinking time. I don’t know about other moms, but for me, the stillness and quiet that is required to just be alone with one’s thoughts is a very rare occurrence. There always seems to be a little cry, or voice, demanding my attention. And while I am constantly thinking (don’t get me wrong here) rarely is it a time of reflection or stillness.

My $10 bike, and free hand me down bike trailer are probably one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. They may not be pretty to look at, but they rock! Warm weather opens a new world of possibilities. After having a baby, you can ask yourself “Was I ever athletic or in shape?” “How did I have the time or energy to go to the gym for 2 hours.” While my desire to head back to the gym has returned, the freedom to go is not  really there. E *won’t* go into a nursery or care space without hysterics, and baby G has begun to make strange when I am not around. Not to mention the cost of heading to a gym and paying for child care.

I love being outside and will be often, biking or rollerblading with my 2 boys as my strength trainers! 🙂

One thought on “Sunny, silent, swift and sweaty?

  1. …that was so cute, I just read it to Joel:) I have to say, from the footage of the Raise Their Voice clip, your dancer’s body looks amazing!!! I’m sure these bike rides will be so peaceful and fun this summer!

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