Rest, Inspiration and an Announcement….

Over the last few months I have been absolutely binge watching Laura from Garden Answer on Youtube. I just love the variety of her videos, from planting arrangements, to perennial care and general gardening tips and tricks. I especially love her garden tours and love the beautiful property that she calls home! It has held me over while I’ve waited for Spring to finally arrive.

As I sit listening to the whir of lawn mowers- the grass is always growing at the lake- I feel so excited about being back in the garden. My hands are scratched, and there is dirt under my finger nails. I’ve been working on expanding my vege garden- which will also now house some seasonal dahlia plants. I have one of the worst weeds (IMO) crab grass… and it just about grows everywhere. It is a constant battle. I did an extreme weeding in my two main perennial beds and put a thick layer of mulch down. I am hoping that it will at least help keep the weeds down.

I planted up 27 dahlia plants, and so far nearly all of them are sprouted! I’m nervous and excited all at once to see how they do. I still have a few weeks before I’ll move them out into the landscape- just to be safe- but we are nearly ready to move our seedlings out and finally hit up the garden centre for other vege starters and annuals.

I haven’t been blogging or working on many projects- other than getting in the garden to clean it up for spring. Mostly I’ve been hitting the hay at about 8:30 after trying to get through school with the kiddos and keep up with the activities that come along with said kids. I’m a little extra tired because I am growing a little human guys. Thats right- we are expecting a baby this November, and I still kind of can’t believe it. I am feeling so much more peace this time than with my last pregnancy.

My pregnancy with Finley was so hard… mostly because I found myself unexpectedly pregnant after having just lost a baby, and heavily grieving that loss. Then on top of it I was brutally sick. I have been pretty sick this time, but it’s been more bearable- and I *think* I am very nearly in the clear. I feel so excited that I’ll get to hold a fresh squishy baby, and that my sweet girl will get to experience the fun of a younger sibling- the boys are pretty thrilled too!

I’ve admittedly been in survival mode- the laundry piles are high, and my kids have eaten more cereal and bagels than I care to admit… and I am not just talking about breakfast. I just have to keep on keeping on- taking one day at a time and having grace for how much I have had to let go. It’s just a season 😉 Right!

While I haven’t been doing much here on the blog- I thought I would share a few posts from around the web…

This farmhouse kitchen transformation from AKA Design has me inspired- love that hood fan and the pretty faucet!

It’s one of my favorite times of the year for furniture makeover inspo because Miss Mustard Seed is getting ready for her annual Luckett’s sale- and this years booth is going to be amazing…

I adore the slipcovered settee… if only I had the patience for an entire couch!! Or a chair for that matter.

I shared these on my facebook page, but in case you didn’t catch em- I love this array of free large scale quote art. I need to print some of these because, well they are beautiful. Find them at The Painted Hive.

And finally, I just wanted you all to know that I have forced my now 3 year old back to taking naps! While it doesn’t happen every day, it gives me back a little peace and sanity a few times a week and makes for much more pleasant humans.

-Miss Ash

If you have missed my regular posts- find me on instagram where I share little bits of life between posts.

6 thoughts on “Rest, Inspiration and an Announcement….

  1. I am so pleased for you Ashley. Another little on into your home will be wonderful .I hope that the sickness subsides soon.I enjoy seeing your decorating ideas and reading your blogs .You have talent girl.

    Aunty Mary

    1. Thanks Aunty Mary! I am so glad to have you popping by. Thrilled to say the sickness has really subsided the last few days- so I think I am turning a new corner. love you

  2. Wonderful news! My heartfelt best wishes for a quick labor and easy delivery of a healthy wee one. Take it easy now and don’t overdo the gardening when you don’t feel up to it, just listen to your body. Sorry, that’s the nurse in me talking ( even a retired nurse can’t help it ).

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