New Baby Essentials

Life has started to find a new rhythm, and we are settling into a new normal. I LOVE summer. I love having spring babies, so I can tote them around in the warm summer months. I love that I can steal a few moments outside perusing what might be popping up in the garden… aside from weeds. I love that I can kick the boys outside so that there can be some quiet in the house as baby sleeps. I really was nervous about what life would be like bringing a new baby into cramped quarters and a construction zone… but praise God she is such a sweetie, and an amazing sleeper! After a few months back in baby land, I thought I would share some of my “New Baby Essentials.” After 3 babies, I feel like I am starting to know a bit more of what works for us, and I will be honest, you don’t need as many gizmos and gadgets as you think. Finley has been in a stroller about 2 times and she is 3 months old… and thats mainly because we went to a wedding out of province 😉 So here are my top five “Essentials” without stating the obvious… such as a car seat and place for baby to sleep.

new baby essentials


1. Moby Wrap– I LOVE wearing my babies! There are so many benefits such as bonding, reduction in colic, and less fussiness all around… but it also makes my life easier. Now that I have 3 littles, I have found it a life saver to be able to wear my sweet baby girl. My hands are free, my back is saved, and we are all happy. Any good carrier will do, but I love the Moby for it’s versatility and comfort. I also have a ring sling for convenience when I am running into the post office etc, but it is not nearly as comfortable.

2. Nursing Pillow– I think it is so worth having a comfortable nursing pillow. Even if you only use it for the first few months, it really does help to get you on the right start. You can support baby to get the right latch, and helps to keep you from hunching.

3. Swaddle Blankets– I love these light weight muslin blankets. There are so many brands out there, these ones are Aden+Anais. They are BIG, lightweight and can double as a nursing cover. If you want to swaddle your babe, they are also wonderful.

4. Cloth Diapers– After selling and trying many types, my favorite are from a Canadian company called Annie Marie Padorie, or AMP for short. I pair them with Bummis Prefolds or Hemp Inserts. We use the One Size. I also have some of the size 2’s for when she is a bit bigger, as well as Bummis Covers, but I always reach for my AMP’s first.

5. Lavender Oil– I discovered lavender oil in my pregnancy, and I am still finding new uses for it. I put it on the boys feet before bed to help THEM sleep soundly… I use it for myself, because sometimes I am restless at night, I have used it on fin to calm her, clear up baby rash (though breastmilk does wonders for that too) and have been amazed at how effective it is for diaper rash! a drop and it honestly seems to clear up in a day.

So what are your baby must haves for the early months?

-Miss Ash

babe in sling

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