Kindred Spirits

It is something most of us dream of… hope for… and if we are blessed enough, will cherish forever. To have a bosom friend. It is one of the greatest gifts in life… someone to laugh with, cry with, look at and not have to say a thing.

If you were ever the type to trudge through dirt in sheets wrapped as dresses, dream of chickens and horses and buckets of oats… have 4 baby dolls strapped to your back with scarves or hide out in your stair crawl space as part of the underground rail road… then we might have been kindreds.

Perhaps you played school for 8 hours a day, and managed to teach your little siblings to read in the process, or hiked your pants and walked through the river onto “secret” islands. Maybe you had a store house of old things that were near and dear. Or kept a journal of dreams and hopes.

The funny thing is, that most of the things I wrote down in that journal haven’t changed much. I still dream of chickens and dirt. Babies and safety. And a friend to call my own.

While I might have dreamt it in the best of dreams, I never thought I would find a best friend that would be mine forever… well. Not mine. But, we aren’t getting rid of each other any time soon. You see, one day I was introduced to a girl… well a young lady. I was nervous to meet her, because I was told we would get along so well… She had curly dark hair and big brown eyes, and was shy but outgoing… She was a dancer. She had a big heart.

That first spring we chatted about seedlings… and watched our “babies” grow. And then I had a real baby to grow… and she had a wedding to plan. And we grew together, from girls to women. Or young women to slightly less young women 😉 She held my sweet boy, and I wrapped her curls (with a nylon no less) and pinned a flower in her hair… and shared in her special day. And she married my husband’s best friend. His brother. And sisters were born.

Kindred spirits. There is so much heart bubbling joy when someone calls you friend. When you have someone to call that will care that your tomato seedlings popped up, or you were looking at sheep. That can relate when you feel like she-woman because you survived 14 4 year olds wearing tutus. That holds your heart, and would do anything to take back the hurt.

A friend who is cheesey enough and perfect enough to call you Anne, and let you call her Diana. Well, my Diana is named Christy-anna, and today I wanted to gush about her because I miss my neighbour down the street. My sister and bosom friend.

You hold my heart sweet friend… This summer, lets ride horses and snip flowers after splashing through the ocean. Then we can go thrifting and gush about how cute and cheap everything was…. out of earshot of course.

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