Keep on keeping on.

I have come to find that the process of recovering a chair is not for the faint of heart. As things seem to so gleemingly teach me these days- renos and updates are harder than making something from scratch. And while I am only partially convinced that building a complete chair would be more difficult than deconstructing the Boogy- I sure am tired of pulling staples. I can not believe how many staples are in this thing!! It is seriously crazy. It probably also does not help that the chair is old, and so, the staples are some what rusty and continuously break. I have been a little bit tempted to throw it out, because as it is, the chair is useless… but I won’t.

In looking at others experience with re-upholstering furniture, I have found that the above sentiments are shared by many. Sometimes these projects take months- the time line I am certain is greatly affected by the frustrations of the deconstruction. And what about all that mumbo jumbo regarding the preservation of the old fabric to use as a pattern? HA! This stuff is so torn up, I am getting it off in any way possible. It will not be used as a pattern, but fortunately for my chair, and family, I am a math genius- and will correctly cut and measure all pieces for the chair….

This chair better be awesome.

E is quite distraught that I am cutting up the Green Chair- seeing as how it is his favorite chair in the house. I think he will get over it, but I wonder if he will continue to call it “the green chair” once I recover it. This will be especially interesting to me, as the chair will no longer be green.

Today I actually almost bought (and am still thinking about) purchasing a love seat at Sally-Ann with the intention of re-upholstering it. Am I crazy? Maybe, but, it would be really easy, and so cute!

Speaking of my little thrifting journey, I did find some cute place mats and a fun quilt. For some reason the only place mat sets I have are in sets of 4- this one has 6, which is good because, who can survive with just 4 matching place settings. They are red and white, and kind of vintage looking. Love em. I am really liking red/white/blue lately… which is sort of strange for me, because I am not normally one to use blue in my decor, but, I feel as though I have just realized it is my favorite when paired with white! So fresh and delightful.

Well, perhaps I should spare you from my incessant ramblings… using words I know in my head, but am unsure how to spell. I am probably so giddy because I have been up for many hours, consumed 1 chai, 2 coffees and an iced coffee, and now my children are both napping. Unfortunately all I want to do is sew, but am held captive by the fear of waking either of the said children. And so, I am blogging.

On one last note. I am back to my tile search for our bathroom… you see, we found some sweet 24″ by 12″ tiles at habitat, and want to pair them with a fun mosaic. I found just what I was looking for, inquired into its availability (I was told it was in stock) went to pick it up and was informed it would take at least 3-5 weeks. Awesome. So, I am back to the hunt, found something half decent yesterday, a little above what I wanted to spend- but willing to just go for it, and they only had 2 sheets in stock. Bummer. So, I am on a tile hunt people! Preferably something in a blue/aqua hued glass.

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