I’m Riding…. my bike.

I am getting really excited about a fundraising initiative for the 2012 tour of “She Has a Name” in partnership with Ride For Refuge. It is a bike tour around Gull Lake, Ab… well, my route isn’t exactly “around”… because it is 20k- but, the 70k route is more along the “around” lines… However, that route is described as a “fulfilling challenge for most cyclists” and I’ll be honest, I’m not quite in the cyclist category. So, while I love biking, I also want to be realistic about what I can tackle with 1+ children in tow, and am approaching this with the key word “fun” in mind!

You know what is SO cool about this? Having the opportunity to connect with people that I don’t usually get to spend much time with, and joining together to support a great cause. Aside from the SHN tour, our ride is also raising funding for people who are currently displaced, vulnerable within their community, or coming out of a situation where they have been exploited.  It is an amazing opportunity to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves, and it starts with riding your bike! The really neat thing is, that even if you are not from my area, you can still ride by joining in on a ride happening at a location near you- and still choose to ride for SHN.

Now, my excitement doesn’t stop there- for the last few days, I have been a team of 1, which doesn’t really fly to well with the name “Biker Chicks” but, as of last night and this morning, there are 3 fabulous chicks joining me, and hopefully more to come! I’ll be honest, when I registered, I wasn’t sure if anyone would join in, or if I’d meet my fundraising goal- and the amazing thing is that it was more than double my goal after the first day (thank you Mizz Deborah!) So, I had to share that, because hey, people are cool 🙂

All this to say, watch the video my husband Matt and I made (at 1am) and think about joining us!

The Biker Chicks and the KooMen from Matthew Kooman on Vimeo.

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