Grade 1

In a few short weeks we will be embarking on our first official year of home education! I am nerdily, really excited. I am looking forward to bringing some routine into our life after an all over the map summer… but also having the flexibility to do what works.

This past year I have questioned our plan to home school. I started to wonder if it was the right direction, was it all me, would it just be easier to figure out something and enrol E in school… and yada yada. But then as I was preparing curriculum, doing research, and creating a plan for the year, it became so clear that this was the right choice for us this year. The more Matt and I talked about it, the more we we felt confident in our decision. With guidance and a plan, not all my own, I know we will have a great year. Last year was such a struggle in more ways then one, but mostly because I was so sick in my pregnancy. I really dropped the ball with doing any sorts of “fun” activities. The moment I gave birth, I suddenly felt like myself again. This pregnancy was rough… I am so thankful to have my baby on the outside ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am slowly picking away at writing out sweet girl’s birth story, but it has been emotional, and difficult to articulate all I feel surrounding her birth.

I know there will be some challenges with having 3 kiddos at home, but I am also so excited to specialize our activities towards the interests of my boys. I love learning, and I want them to love learning! Learning is life!

Here are the choices we have made for our Grade 1 curriculum thus far:

Language Arts

Smart Start in Language Arts

(this is a complete curriculum, which really excites me! I will let you know how E likes it as the year goes on)


Math U See- Alpha (and eventually Beta as we are almost through Alpha)


God’s Design For Life

(I am SO excited for this curriculum! It has such a neat perspective- plus my boys have such a curious nature about animals, plants, machines, everything! Yay Science!)


Health Safety Manners, Book 1

We have some additional materials for PE, Social, Bible and LA (for all of my american friends, that’s Language Arts) We will also be using online resources, and continue the raising rockstars for our Memory Verses. Both the boys are registered to start Trampoline Gymnastics in the fall- they are so excited!

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I also ordered some beginner readers called Bob Books. E has more or less made his way through most of them already, but they were great for building confidence and fluency. I am glad I will have them for G! We have set 1, 2, and 3.

I have some pre-school materials for G, mostly because he likes to “do school” as well… and sometimes he likes to just play. I have had to keep him at bay until we officially start school. I am looking forward to being in the addition so that I can have more area for imaginative play, and music! And of course… dance ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mind you, I was going through some basic body positions, plies and tendus with E, and asked G to join us. All he could say was “No mom. I do breakdancing.”

Our start day is September 15! Keep us in your prayers ๐Ÿ˜‰

-Miss Ash



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