Beauty, Joy and Poop Stories

Do you ever feel kind of burnt out as a mom? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.

It isn’t so much mothering itself, I find its often all the other stuff that can make some days as a mom feel really hard. We have been extra busy lately- as in a husband working late and long, and then “events” every weekend. We had sick kids, then I had no vehicle for a week {that makes me feel a little extra stir crazy} then I was sick… and we had a party or day trip every weekend for the last month or 2. Plus there are other relationship things going on that are on my mind.

Jesus said “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

In fact the Bible delivers that message in a lot of different ways- but sends home the same general point. Truth is good. And it brings freedom.

To be honest, I am often fighting lies. Lies about my character, being, motherhood, wifehood, womanhood… personhood. Big or small. They are there. And sometimes, I just feel really blah.

It’s hard. It’s fun… it’s rewarding and it’s a big responsibility. This parenting thing. And so is life.

I’m also a bit of an Anne girl when it comes to the deep depths of the soul… if you know what I mean. 😉

The other night I had a long over due girls night. We laughed. We talked about hearts- what drives us and inspires us creatively. When we feel most alive, or what kind of expressive outlet we favor most. I loved hearing that from each of the women sitting at the table 🙂

We talked about the challenges we face as parents, and the little victories as well. What is it about husbands feeling so strongly one way or the other about a top sheet? Seriously.

That day I was feeling pretty burnt out as a human. My kids and I didn’t have the best day, and Sweet Girl wouldn’t go for her afternoon nap. The boys seemed to have boiling blood… there was a lot of pinching, slapping and words being said between those two that day. I served left over mashed potatoes for dinner with a side of peas and carrots… and by the time Matt got home I was almost in tears. I wanted to raise my white flag and have my fairy godmother swoop in… unfortunately she didn’t get the SOS.

Matt gave me a big hug and said “If you want to go eat alone in the living room feel free- I’ve got this.”

So I did. In the quiet. No toddle-baby screaming. No pre-teen 6 year old and his angst. No questions to field from my 5 ear old. Just me and my very sub-par plate of vegetables. And quiet. I almost phoned in dress club because I thought maybe, just maybe I should go to sleep.

But I didn’t. And I felt refreshed and happy to hear about what others have going on. Like new babies, poop stories, and snacks. {that I couldn’t eat, but I just like being around food I guess}

Sometimes it feels really good to talk about how all you do is feed little people. I mean, side note here, but I wake up in the morning and nurse the baby. Then I get some breakfast for the kids. I drink a hot drink. I feed the baby food. I get breakfast for me. I feed the boys second breakfast. Then I nurse the baby… then it’s time to get the boys a snack. I have about an hour before it’s time to get the boys lunch…. and I am back to the cycle of feeding people. I live with a pack of wolves and my life revolves around nap time, bed time, and food.

Glad I could get that off my chest {for the second time}

After a girls night I was also reminded that it feels good to listen to other moms talk about what’s going on in their journey, and offer encouragement when I can- but most of all to listen and say I hear you. We are in this together. We aren’t alone. Life in general can be hard… but it’s even harder when you are bent over a toilet, or feeling like crapola and still have little humans to take care of, who frankly don’t care or notice that you should be in bed.

To be inspired to be the best mom I can- and not get bogged down by the hard things, but to see the beauty and the joy. There is some of each in every day, and most times both.

How are you lately? Have you found the beauty or the joy in this day? What keeps you keepin on?

-Miss Ash


2 thoughts on “Beauty, Joy and Poop Stories

  1. Ashlea – This post so resonates with me! I wish I had something encouraging to say but my brain is done for the day already at 7:02 pm. (Is it bedtime yet?) I’ve been fighting a cold today and thinking all day how hard it is to be a mom when you’re sick. I’m grumpy and impatient and I. Just. Want. To. Sleep. Praying for strength and peace and patience for us both! (Ps: I love your blog! Posts like these are honest and raw and sweet and sincere — funny and encouraging too. Thank you for writing them!) – Love Megan ❤️

    1. Oh dear! Hope you are feeling better soon and were able to squeeze some rest in. Thanks for your prayers-and your sweet words! Very encouraging to me today 🙂

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