Baby Steps and a BIG leap of faith.

In the Spring of this year Raise Their Voice partnered with Burnt Thicket Theatre to produce a thought provoking, heart wrenching play which tells the story of a young girl trafficked into the sex trade. This is a story that is all too real for many young girls… one that compels me to do something to end the tragedy that is child sexual slavery.

One way we are able to do this is by sharing the story of Number 18 with as many people as possible. We are sending the play on a 6 month Canadian Tour in hopes that it may continue to spark a fire in the hearts of it’s audience. It is a large undertaking, which will require much needed support, yet it is a small piece of the puzzle, as we use what we have been given to speak up for the destitute.

In many ways the whole process has felt like baby steps… the premier in Calgary, and the follow up in Red Deer seemed impossible at one point. And then, after tireless efforts, many rehearsals… and long nights, we were looking back upon what became a sold out premier run. Wow.

What I hope we learned from this is that it is possible to do what seems to be impossible. And while things feel impossibly possible some days, I know we will see this tour through to success. Right now, we are taking baby steps. Baby steps through the Indie Gogo Campaign, baby steps (and peddle pushes) through Ride For Refuge… baby steps through the planning stages… which will all translate into one BIG leap of faith.

I know we should continue to find faith and encouragement… because every goal that has been set has been surpassed. That tells me something. This story needs to be heard.

“From the moment She Has A Name began I was powerfully aware that I was being brought into the violent and evil reality of human trafficking. The play continues to accurately display the  complexities of those who are victims of sexual exploitation in the sex trade as well as the challenges of those who are working to rescue these victims. Andrew Kooman has created a very realistic and brutally honest portrayal of the life of one young girl ensnared in human trafficking. She Has A Name will open your eyes to the reality of millions of victims in the world today who live in these brutal conditions, but more importantly it will hopefully open the hearts of those who attend to become engaged in seeing human trafficking end. This play brings the nameless victims of trafficking into our western world and makes them all too close and real to ever forget. You must see it!”

Mark Wollenberg, Regional Representative, Western Canada
International Justice Mission Canada

It is not without the support of an amazing community; a global community, that this story will be able to touch the lives that need it. And so, I ask you to hear the heart behind the playwright, my brother and friend, Andrew Kooman, and see what role you might take in telling 18’s story.

We have just spent the last week celebrating with friends and family… creating memories, and showing our love for one another. As I watch the sweet faces of my sleeping boys after a day filled with love and life, I am also struck with the very real reality that this is something that too many children, men, women, go without. And I ask myself, how will it end for them. When will those who can, speak up for those who cannot speak themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute ? And how will we see fit to do so?

images courtesy of

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