A North American Tour?

There are exciting things brewing at RTV hq, as humble as they may be. Andrew Kooman- playwright of the acclaimed She Has a Name, has been working hard with burnt thicket theater– to bring about the makings of a North America tour. We want to send this story out, because we believe it puts an important face on the difficult issue of Human Trafficking, and tells the stories of the lives most impacted.
When the show premiered in the spring of this year, we could have never imagined the reception it would get. We sold out EVERY show (still amazes me) and the feedback from those that viewed the show was very positive.

I would say this is not a show for the faint of heart. It is in fact, gut retching, yet, there is something in it that so accurately shows the complexity and difficulty of tackling Human Trafficking. Sadly, Human Trafficking is alive and well across the globe- profits only second to that of Drug Trafficking, and enslaving lives that number in the millions. Such numbers are staggering, and unimaginable- yet it is not difficult to find in your own city. It is estimated that there are more than 300,000 children within North America that are currently engaged in some aspect of the sex trade. Children.

You might be asking yourself what does any of this have to do with you, or me… how can we make a difference? How can a play change things. I believe that it only takes a spark to light within us a flame to see justice. And not to simply be a bystander, but to have a hand in standing up for justice. As Joy Smith so simply put it- “Once you know. You can never say, “I did not know.” And so, I hope now knowing- we will DO something.


We are currently planning to send the play on tour in the following cities: Calgary, Denver, Grand Rapids, Chicago, New York City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, and San Francisco.  We have kicked off our Summer Fundraising Initiative, and are partnering with IndieGoGo and will soon be launching our Ride For Refuge Campaign. You can find complete details for fundraising and deadlines on the She Has A Name website.


I would ask that if you have seen the play, or if the heart behind it resonates with you, that you would do what you can to spread the word about this tour. Click around the website. Help us share the important story of #18 with lives across the nation. Tweet about it, share the link on FB- you know the drill. Blog about it- you name it. Donate on IndieGoGo. I have no shame in asking. Because, you just might! I will leave you with these words.

From the moment She Has A Name began I was powerfully aware that I was being brought into the violent and evil reality of human trafficking. The play continues to accurately display the  complexities of those who are victims of sexual exploitation in the sex trade as well as the challenges of those who are working to rescue these victims. Andrew Kooman has created a very realistic and brutally honest portrayal of the life of one young girl ensnared in human trafficking. She Has A Name will open your eyes to the reality of millions of victims in the world today who live in these brutal conditions, but more importantly it will hopefully open the hearts of those who attend to become engaged in seeing human trafficking end. This play brings the nameless victims of trafficking into our western world and makes them all too close and real to ever forget. You must see it!

Mark Wollenberg, Regional Representative, Western Canada
International Justice Mission Canada

photo credits: Kelsey Krogman

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