Dreams and Aspirations

Aren’t dreams a strange thing? Rooted in our hearts, created within our deepest being, influenced by inspiration and imagination. What does it mean to follow our dreams. To recognize their identity, and then chart a course to discovering them. Sometimes vague and unpredictable, other times specific and tangible. Often times unreachable, others unimaginable, but still there.

I often reflect on the dreams within my heart, the ones I’ve known since I was a little girl, others that have been birthed in womanhood. I find it is a dangerous and courageous thing to speak dreams, to hold onto hope that they might become more, to pursue the crazy vision of bringing something that only exists within the far reaching realm of your heart into the reality that is life.

Life; existence of continual change, growth; how do I bring my dreams to life, and are they truly mine? Etched within my being is the mark of my creator, He has made me creative as He is, and brings that out of me through gifts, persistence, knowing. The knowing that “This is who I was created to be.This is what I was created to do.”

This last year I have been pressed to search my heart, to call out the dreams, and to ask myself “Am I pursuing them.” It’s a scary and wonderful thing to pursue your dreams. It seems like a big step just to take them from you heart and speak them out into the atmosphere. To share them with another. Because you know, that once you say it you have recognized it’s existence and spoke it into being. What will become of my dreams?

Here is to adventuring forward to find our dreams.

-Miss Ash


2 thoughts on “Dreams and Aspirations

  1. Three years ago God impressed a song on my heart. A dream to choreograph to it was born in my mind and heart, but how exactly it was going to all come together I did not know. Years passed, as I would hear the song on the radio each time I would wonder what God had in mind, and though I was antsy to bring the song to life with movement, I felt a peace about the timing He had.
    Last Christmas the first opportunity was there, but it wasn’t quite right and didn’t work out. SInce then I have started teaching a lyrical class and it was the right place to bring this work to.
    This year is the year! I feel I have taken a step of obedience in bringing this song into my lyrical class and preparing the choreography the way God wills as He put such clear images into my mind (snapshots of movement if you will). Its emotional and exciting. I can’t wait to see it all come together! Next weekend we have a set of performances, and then 4 more before Christmas at different places in our tiny town. The final one is at the Christmas Eve service which this year is a joint service between 3 of the biggest churches in town. Wow. would I EVER have imagined all that God had for this song and how he would use me and my students? NEVER.
    Along with dreams comes stepping into them, stepping in faith and obedience and seeing what God does with that – I’m sure you’ll never be disappointed!

    1. This is really neat Ash! So excited for you to see a sliver of this come to reality, I can only imagine what God has in store beyond our seeing eyes! Thankful for the creativity he has put in you, the gift of dance, and a patient and listening heart!

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