A little Organization goes a long way….

Yesterday I shared a bit about meal planning, and what it looks like in our house. Today, I want to gush about a few simple things that have helped me in the kitchen/cooking department.

I organized our cupboards. Yes. I plan to keep them organized. {!!!!!} Here is what I like to describe as our coffee cupboard. We might drink too much coffee… not in the I think it is bad for us way… but in the, we might drink a lot of coffee way… is it right?

Ok. so there is tea too. But we’re reaching for the beans… That little blue bucket from the dollar store is changing my life. (I have 2) Coffee contained! Also… those sugar cubes in the top left are from an event we did like 5 years ago, and will probably never be consumed… chuck em? As I look at this, I realize I need to drink more tea…

Glass food jars. I love them. Even better? When they are on your counter… it makes you want to cook, and as a plus, you remember you have things that are in your jars. My one regret? I felt imaginary peer pressure from the very real kitchen fairy and filled my jars with white sugar and white rice (one of our great marital debates… any guess as to which side I am on?) And then I realized they will never get emptied! I want to put other things in there like quinoa and flour… sigh. Also… (in case the healthy kitchen fairy is judging right now) those noodles are at least “smart” noodles… whatever that means. {we have a white vs. brown debate in this house if you cant tell… which might explain my need to explain why I have white anything in my possession…}

at least we agree on dusting.*

For a long time I fought cereal. “But we are not cereal eaters!” I cried (yelled?) But the truth is, I am not a cereal eater. I think of cereal as being bad for me… you could reference yesterday’s post to learn that I prefer home made. Are those sugar laden mini-wheats home made? Thats our one junky cereal, the cheerios and wheat puffs are at least plain… trust me, we have had the golden graham, cinnamon toast crunch battles. {I promise we don’t fight… but we do disagree on food?} The boys like cereal for their first breakfast. {yes. I said first} Plus, the cuteness of G saying “say-yull” really helps take the sting off the fact that its still dark out when he’s saying it… These food containers make me happy every time I pour them a bowl. Don’t ask me why.

Kids utensils! I wanted the metal ones… but I promised E he could pick some. And since he is a lover of neon rainbow things… this is what we came home with. Can you believe I have made it through 3.5 years of parenting with 2 kids spoons and one kid fork? I know… its weird. Its amazing! I actually tried to put half of these up away… because why would we need more than 3 sets for 2 kids? But E likes to pick a different color… At least we now have kids things for when other kids come to visit. Like these guys…

But back to the utensils. We keep them in these jars so that E can still help with setting the table… and because they would over clutter the normal utensil drawer. I am thankful to my mom for keeping me legit, otherwise I would have 3 kids bowls and 3 kids cups… everything else was gifted… those people know their stuff. I just am not a huge “plastics” person. But after helping my sister unpack her  1000 pieces of tupperware, that kitchen fairy is starting to point its finger at me…

Sometimes I wonder if anyone will find this interesting… when it is laaate at night and I should probably be in bed. Only time will tell. And as I share the inner workings of my beautiful chaotic life, so may you? Tell me? If its interesting… have I mentioned that I get giddy when I have comments. Lets not forget  this moment.

so… comment you unknown readers you! I promise it will get easier when I have the .com up!

-Miss Ash

* we don’t do it.

8 thoughts on “A little Organization goes a long way….

  1. Interesting? This is downright inspiring! And everyday that I look into my pantry (which is not every day, mind you) I sigh and think how much I’d like to see everything organized. I don’t quite think how much I’D like to organize it. But it was organized once with labels and everything.

    1. I know that feeling… I was actually inspired by my sister, who recently moved, and we organized everything in her kitchen. I liked it so much, and decided that I could do that (sort of) in my own kitchen! Though tedious, it is so nice to give everything a place. Here’s to labels!

  2. I completely relate to this Ash! One productive Saturday, back in April, I received far more satisfaction from alphabetizing my spice drawer than is likely healthy. However, in an effort to share the inspiration with my ‘friends’, I posted a photo of the masterpiece on facebook…and a multi-day spirited conversation of the delights of epicure followed, culminating in the conclusion that although I do not believe I have OCD…I may admit to having CDO, because the letters must be in alphabetical order. 😉
    Keep on sharing mama!

  3. I like it! But of course I would–says the sister with many glass jars of food on my counter–a coffee cupboard, 1000s of tupperwares and cups of plastic utensils. I can’t help but feel proud that I’ve influenced some of these choices? Yes. No. Maybe so? Also I have a basket in the cupboard with kid dishes don’t forget that! Wyatt can get his own water and own dishes for dinner (or other meals). Like the long comment??

    1. You TOTALLY inspired me! Did I not reference this somewhere… My sister of storage! I actually was realizing that a little bin would be perfect for the kids dishes… that is what we need. Ps. I LOVE the long comment!

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