My Writing Nook

So after I wrote about wanting to find a place for everything, I got really motivated and started tackling the sorting station that is our room! I have quite a few bags of items to donate, and it feels good. I can also see all of the floor, and have put away the boys things. Finley’s things are in a basket in her room ready to be put away. phew.

Anyone else shove everything into their bedroom in a mad effort to clean up when company is coming?

So… it’s just me then?

Now that the gallery wall is the piano wall… it meant I needed to find a spot for our Thrifted Antique Desk. I knew it would be the perfect surface for creating a writing nook in our station



Here is where the desk used to reside…gallery1


But we had to move it to make room for our piano!
gallery wall and antique morris piano

I found a new home for it in our bedroom bay 🙂writing nook

aerial view of blog stationpainted mason jar storageantique desk writing stationWe’re finally making some progress in our room- we even got our barn door style track and door hung for the closet! Which means we can finish the door trim and baseboard now… one job leads to the next! Happy Saturday friends! Any fun house stuff you are working on?

-Miss Ash


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